EMPIRECLASSIC:hello player.empire5 HP3000 Release: C.60.00 User Version: C.60.02 FRI, AUG 30, 2002, 7:16 PM MPE/iX HP31900 C.16.01 Copyright Hewlett-Packard 1987. All rights reserved. ************************************************************** * Welcome to the HP3000 at hp3000.empireclassic.com * ************************************************************** * A NEW HP friendly terminal emulator can be obtained at: * * http://aics-research.com/qcterm/ Dated 11 JUL 2002 * ************************************************************** * EMPIRE1 started 28 JUL 2002 expires 02 SEP 2002 * * EMPIRE2 started 25 JUL 2002 expires 13 SEP 2002 * * EMPIRE3 started 27 AUG 2002 expires 15 MAR 2003 * * EMPIRE4 started 11 JUN 2002 expires 05 JAN 2003 * * EMPIRE5 started 02 AUG 2002 expires 02 AUG 2003 * ************************************************************** EMPIRE 3.52 August 10, 2002 - (c) 1984-2002 Ben Norton and Friends Your Nations Name or Number? 7 Password? Date: 404.47 [ Mail call ] [389.66] Ferry #34:403 arrived at PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] sector 51,3 [389.66] Submarine #53:97 arrived at BLISSVILLE[#183] sector 8,10 [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 50/1]: sea 53 Submarine @433,463 [Submarine #53:97 25.0]: v Location: 433,463 BLISSVILLE[#183] sector 8,10 [ 0] [ 0] Water 0%^ 0%R 9, 9 0M 0M Sea Sea Sea 432 433 434 463 463 463 Sea Sea Sea 432 433 434 464 464 464 [Submarine #53:97 25.0]: sa Submarine #53 @433,463 in BLISSVILLE[#183] coastal waters, sector 8,10 To terminate enter // [433,463] Direction? 0 Distance (Max=25)? 1 Docked at sector 8,9 [433,462] Direction? // [Submarine #53:97 24.9]: assa BLISSVILLE[#183], sector 8,9 [ Unowned ] 0% R, 0 military Expected victory casualties : 0 Number of persons in the assault (Max=50)? 5 You have won, casualties 0, enemy losses 0 [Submarine #53:97 24.9]: l183 Date: 404.47 [BLISSVILLE : No Capitol]: v 111111111122222222 123456789012345678901234567 1 ------^^^- 0 000^00 000 1 2 ------^^ 0 00000^00000 00 2 3 -----^^0000 000^^0000 00 3 4 --^^^^^000 00^0 00 00 4 5 -^^^^^^00 000 00 0 5 6 -^^^^^0^0 000 00 0 6 7 --^^^^-^ 000 0000 7 8 ---^^-^- 000 000 8 9 ----^-^D 000 000 9 111111111122222222 123456789012345678901234567 [BLISSVILLE : No Capitol]: des 8,9 8, 9 currently a 0% D (4% sample). New designation? c Designation changed. [BLISSVILLE : 0/0]: sea Submarine @433,462 [Submarine #53:97 24.9]: sa Submarine #53 @433,462 docked on BLISSVILLE[#183] island, sector 8,9 To terminate enter // [433,462] Direction? u Undocking [433,463] Direction? 270 Distance (Max=23)? 5 [428,463] Direction? v Location: 428,463 BLISSVILLE[#183] sector 3,10 [ 0] [ 0] [ 0] 0%R 0%R 0%R 0M 0M 0M Sea Sea Sea 427 428 429 463 463 463 Sea Sea Sea 427 428 429 464 464 464 [428,463] Direction? 270 Distance (Max=18)? 2 [426,463] Direction? -56 Distance (Max=16)? 1 [425,462] Direction? // [Submarine #53:97 15.5]: i 22 Island Index Date: 404.48 Island Name Location Size Flags Naming Nation ------------------------ -------- ---- ----- ----------------------------- 22 OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22 348,422 38,32 O PARK RANGERS[7] Flags: O = Occupied, V = Visited, R = Released. [Submarine #53:97 15.5]: course Destination (X,Y)? 386,421 Speed (Default=25)? Destination = 386,421 OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22[#22] @39,0 Distance = 56.6, Direction = 316.4, Speed = 25 Fuel required = 5.7, Supply on ship = 66.0 Starting date = 404.48, ETA = 436.82 Use how much time (Default=15.5)? Leaving inland waters Destination = 386,421 OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22[#22] @39,0 Distance = 41.0, Direction = 317.0, Speed = 25 Fuel required = 4.1, Supply on ship = 64.4 Starting date = 404.48, ETA = 427.93 Set course (Default=YES)? Course set. [Submarine #53:97 0.0]: mai r [389.66] Ferry #34:403 arrived at PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] sector 51,3 [389.66] Submarine #53:97 arrived at BLISSVILLE[#183] sector 8,10 [Submarine #53:97 0.0]: sea 34 Ferry @524,493 [Ferry #34:403 24.0]: v m Location: 524,493 PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] sector 51,3 - -- -- ----. - -- - [Ferry #34:403 24.0]: sa Ferry #34 @524,493 in PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] interior waters, sector 51,3 To terminate enter // [524,493] Direction? 270 Distance (Max=24)? 1 Docked at sector 50,3 [523,493] Direction? // [Ferry #34:403 23.8]: assa PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103], sector 50,3 [ Unowned ] 0% R, 0 military Expected victory casualties : 0 Number of persons in the assault (Max=43)? 1 You have won, casualties 0, enemy losses 0 [Ferry #34:403 23.8]: unl PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] island, sector 50,3 Unloading what? c Quanity (Max=335)? 90 Unloading what? 0 [Ferry #34:403 23.8]: sa Ferry #34 @523,493 docked on PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] island, sector 50,3 To terminate enter // [523,493] Direction? u Undocking [524,493] Direction? 0 Distance (Max=22)? 2 Docked at sector 51,1 [524,491] Direction? // [Ferry #34:403 20.8]: assa PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103], sector 51,1 [ Unowned ] 0% R, 0 military Expected victory casualties : 0 Number of persons in the assault (Max=42)? 1 You have won, casualties 0, enemy losses 0 [Ferry #34:403 20.8]: unl PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] island, sector 51,1 Unloading what? c Quanity (Max=245)? 30 Unloading what? 0 [Ferry #34:403 20.8]: sa Ferry #34 @524,491 docked on PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] island, sector 51,1 To terminate enter // [524,491] Direction? u Undocking [524,492] Direction? v m Location: 524,492 PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] sector 51,2 - -D -- . ---D - -- - [524,492] Direction? 270 Distance (Max=19)? 1 [523,492] Direction? -45 Distance (Max=18)? 1 [522,491] Direction? 270 Distance (Max=17)? 3 Docked at sector 47,1 [520,491] Direction? // [Ferry #34:403 15.4]: v m Location: 520,491 PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] sector 47,1 ^--- . -D ^^ -- ^- ---D --- - ------ ----- [Ferry #34:403 15.4]: assa PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103], sector 47,1 [ Unowned ] 0% R, 0 military Expected victory casualties : 0 Number of persons in the assault (Max=41)? 1 You have won, casualties 0, enemy losses 0 [Ferry #34:403 15.4]: unl PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] island, sector 47,1 Unloading what? c Quanity (Max=215)? 15 Unloading what? 0 [Ferry #34:403 15.4]: l103 Date: 404.48 [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 50/1]: v 111111111122222222223333333333444444444455 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 1 DMD ------- DMD DMDDD --- ---^--- D -D 1 2 EEE --- --- ---EEM--- ---- ---^^ -- 2 3 PPM ---- ---- -M---- ---- ---^^- ---D 3 4 DD EM -- ----- EM-- - ---- -^^--- - 4 5 DD+PE MEMP -- ---- A--- ----- -^^------ 5 6 E^MPMEPMEMEP - --- EPEPE----^--^^----- 6 7 MEMEMPE^E EPE -- ---MM(MEEP^^^--^^---- 7 8 E MM PEMPP ------^^^^-M--E^^^^^^^---- 8 9 EP^EEA ----^^^^^-E -E-^^^^^^-- 9 10 PP PEEPM ----^^^^^^^E -A--^^^^^^--- 10 11 P PME - --^^^^^^^^M- MPMEM^^+^^- 11 12 EE^CM-- -^^^^^^^^A- --- MEPEPA P 12 13 PMM^----^^^^^PMP --- PEEEM M 13 14 MMP+APEEM-EEE ----- PMPME 14 15 EEPME M A-E- ------ P PEP 15 16 EEEPEE EP-P- ------- MEPE 16 17 PPP DMDDD DDMD --------- MDD 17 111111111122222222223333333333444444444455 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 50/1]: spr Spread civilians in region (LowX,LowY,HighX,HighY)? 1,1,51,17 Take civilians from sector (X,Y)? 50,3 Spread across mountains (Y/N)? n Spread in owned sectors also (Y/N)? n The spread would be across 6 sectors Number of civilians per sector (Max=15)? 15 The spread used 5 time units. [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 45/6]: m c From sector (X,Y)? 51,1 To sector (X,Y)? 50,1 The move will require 1 time unit. Quanity (Max=30)? 15 Ore sample 5% [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 44/7]: st (d=d eff=0) New designation? r Number of sectors to change (max= 3)? 3 3 sectors changed [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 44/7]: st (d=r s>9 *** No changeable sectors fit criteria *** [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 44/7]: m Moving what? 0 [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 44/7]: v 111111111122222222223333333333444444444455 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 1 DMD ------- DMD DMDDD --- ---^--- R RR 1 2 EEE --- --- ---EEM--- ---- ---^^ RR 2 3 PPM ---- ---- -M---- ---- ---^^- RRRR 3 4 DD EM -- ----- EM-- - ---- -^^--- - 4 5 DD+PE MEMP -- ---- A--- ----- -^^------ 5 6 E^MPMEPMEMEP - --- EPEPE----^--^^----- 6 7 MEMEMPE^E EPE -- ---MM(MEEP^^^--^^---- 7 8 E MM PEMPP ------^^^^-M--E^^^^^^^---- 8 9 EP^EEA ----^^^^^-E -E-^^^^^^-- 9 10 PP PEEPM ----^^^^^^^E -A--^^^^^^--- 10 11 P PME - --^^^^^^^^M- MPMEM^^+^^- 11 12 EE^CM-- -^^^^^^^^A- --- MEPEPA P 12 13 PMM^----^^^^^PMP --- PEEEM M 13 14 MMP+APEEM-EEE ----- PMPME 14 15 EEPME M A-E- ------ P PEP 15 16 EEEPEE EP-P- ------- MEPE 16 17 PPP DMDDD DDMD --------- MDD 17 111111111122222222223333333333444444444455 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 44/7]: t m Sector Des Civ Mil Art Explv Ore Eff Prod Smpl Auth Ftr Bmr 4, 7 M 91 0 0 0 0 99 0 9% 5, 6 M 91 0 0 0 0 99 0 9% 6, 7 M 91 0 0 0 0 99 0 9% 7, 6 M 91 0 0 0 0 99 0 54% 8, 7 M 91 0 0 0 0 99 0 20% 10, 4 M 724 0 0 0 0 99 0 80% 10, 5 M 724 0 0 0 0 99 0 34% 10, 6 M 724 0 0 0 0 99 0 19% 11, 3 M 34 0 0 0 0 99 0 9% 11, 8 M 269 0 0 0 0 99 0 9% 12, 1 M 724 0 0 0 0 99 0 35% 12, 5 M 34 0 0 0 0 99 0 9% 12, 6 M 724 0 0 0 0 99 0 92% 12, 8 M 724 0 0 0 0 99 0 53% 16, 8 M 269 0 0 0 0 99 0 9% 16,11 M 724 0 0 0 0 99 0 43% 17,13 M 40 1 0 0 0 50 0 39% 17,14 M 933 0 0 0 0 99 0 9% 18,10 M 724 0 0 0 0 99 0 78% 18,12 M 933 0 0 0 0 99 0 9% 18,13 M 269 0 0 0 0 99 0 50% 18,14 M 999 0 0 0 0 99 0 17% 19,17 M 269 0 0 0 0 99 0 40% 20,15 M 933 0 0 0 0 99 0 9% 23,15 M 269 0 0 0 0 99 0 25% 25,14 M 933 0 0 0 0 99 0 9% 26, 1 M 999 412 0 0 0 99 0 61% 26,17 M 933 0 0 0 0 99 0 8% 27, 3 M 269 0 0 0 0 99 0 21% 28, 4 M 999 0 0 0 0 99 0 9% 28, 7 M 269 0 0 0 0 99 0 28% 29, 2 M 933 0 0 0 0 99 0 9% 29, 7 M 933 0 0 0 0 99 0 8% 30, 1 M 999 412 0 0 0 99 0 59% 30,13 M 933 0 0 0 0 99 0 8% 31, 7 M 269 0 0 0 0 99 0 38% 31, 8 M 999 0 0 0 0 99 0 83% 31,11 M 933 0 0 0 0 99 0 9% 34,11 M 360 0 0 0 0 99 0 39% 36,11 M 21 0 0 0 0 99 0 50% 38,11 M 78 0 0 0 0 99 0 9% 38,12 M 78 0 0 0 0 99 0 79% 38,16 M 78 0 0 0 0 99 0 67% 39,14 M 78 0 0 0 0 99 0 9% 39,17 M 78 0 0 0 0 99 0 65% 41,13 M 78 0 0 0 0 99 0 36% 41,14 M 78 0 0 0 0 99 0 9% 44,13 M 15 1 0 0 0 0 0 64% [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 44/7]: at (d=r s=9 *** Expected two numeric values separated by a comma *** Attacking from sector (X,Y)? 0 [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 44/7]: st (d=r s=9 New designation? m Number of sectors to change (max= 1)? 1 1 sectors changed [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 44/7]: ana Sector Analysis PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] island Date: 404.50 Island size = 867, Land = 403 46%, Water = 382 44%, Mountains = 82 9% You own 198 sectors 23% of the island. 8 4% Rurals 1 1% Capitol 49 25% Mines, 31 usable 63 32% Explosive plants, 37 usable 7 4% Artillery industries, 5 usable 21 11% Dock/shipyard industries, 20 usable 45 23% Plane industries, 20 usable 3 2% Airports (+) 1 1% Radar installations Total industries = 136, Usable = 82, Active = 78 Ore produced per update time unit: Potential = 155.5, Actual = 100.0 Excess ore per update time unit: Potential = 19.5, Actual = 18.0 [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 44/7]: st (d=r New designation? p Number of sectors to change (max= 8)? 8 8 sectors changed [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 44/7]: v 111111111122222222223333333333444444444455 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 1 DMD ------- DMD DMDDD --- ---^--- P PP 1 2 EEE --- --- ---EEM--- ---- ---^^ PM 2 3 PPM ---- ---- -M---- ---- ---^^- PPPP 3 4 DD EM -- ----- EM-- - ---- -^^--- - 4 5 DD+PE MEMP -- ---- A--- ----- -^^------ 5 6 E^MPMEPMEMEP - --- EPEPE----^--^^----- 6 7 MEMEMPE^E EPE -- ---MM(MEEP^^^--^^---- 7 8 E MM PEMPP ------^^^^-M--E^^^^^^^---- 8 9 EP^EEA ----^^^^^-E -E-^^^^^^-- 9 10 PP PEEPM ----^^^^^^^E -A--^^^^^^--- 10 11 P PME - --^^^^^^^^M- MPMEM^^+^^- 11 12 EE^CM-- -^^^^^^^^A- --- MEPEPA P 12 13 PMM^----^^^^^PMP --- PEEEM M 13 14 MMP+APEEM-EEE ----- PMPME 14 15 EEPME M A-E- ------ P PEP 15 16 EEEPEE EP-P- ------- MEPE 16 17 PPP DMDDD DDMD --------- MDD 17 111111111122222222223333333333444444444455 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 44/7]: sea Ferry @520,491 [Ferry #34:403 15.5]: sa Ferry #34 @520,491 docked on PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] island, sector 47,1 To terminate enter // [520,491] Direction? u Undocking [521,491] Direction? v m Location: 521,491 PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] sector 48,1 --- P. PP ^ PM - PPPP -- - ----- ---- [521,491] Direction? -45 Distance (Max=14)? 1 [520,490] Direction? 270 Distance (Max=13)? 7 [513,490] Direction? v m Location: 513,490 PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] sector 40,0 . --- ---^--- --- ---^^ -- ---^^- --- -^^--- --- -^^---- [513,490] Direction? 270 Distance (Max=6)? 5 [508,490] Direction? v m Location: 508,490 PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] sector 35,0 . MDDD --- -- --- ---- -- -- ---- --- - - ---- -^ -- ----- -^ [508,490] Direction? 225 Distance (Max=1)? 1 [Ferry #34:403 -0.3]: v Location: 507,491 PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] sector 34,1 Sea Sea Sea 506 507 508 490 490 490 [ 7] Water [ 0] 99%D 34, 1 0%R 0M 0M Water [ 0] [ 0] 33, 2 0%R 0%R 0M 0M [Ferry #34:403 -0.3]: course Destination (X,Y)? 506,492 Speed (Default=24)? Destination = 506,492 PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] @33,2 Distance = 1.4, Direction = 225.0, Speed = 24 Fuel required = 0.1, Supply on ship = 37.5 Starting date = 404.50, ETA = 405.34 Set course (Default=YES)? Course set. [Ferry #34:403 -0.3]: sh lin PARK RANGERS[7] Ship Report Date: 404.50 Num:Fl Style Position Civ Mil Art Expl Ftr Fuel % Time Destination -------- ------------ ------- ---- ---- --- ---- --- ----- -- ---- ------------ 19: 98 Liner 452,412 9999 97 0 0 0 90.5 99 0.3 434,388 #56 20: 96 Liner 402,486 2166 67 0 0 0 88.1 99 0.8 348,454 #22 21: 95 Liner 453,592 9999 97 0 0 0 96.8 99 0.6 448,601 #142 22: 93 Liner 562,581 9999 98 0 0 0 88.2 99 0.5 565,599 #36 50: 91 Liner 548,442 7000 99 0 0 0 92.5 99 0.5 568,417 #47 [Ferry #34:403 -0.3]: sh sub PARK RANGERS[7] Ship Report Date: 404.50 Num:Fl Style Position Civ Mil Art Expl Ftr Fuel % Time Destination -------- ------------ ------- ---- ---- --- ---- --- ----- -- ---- ------------ 11: 96 Submarine 340,478 0 43 2 20 0 56.9 99 1.2 300,500 51: 93 Submarine 560,592 0 50 2 20 0 63.9 99 0.8 565,599 #36 52: 91 Submarine 554,445 0 50 2 20 0 66.4 99 0.7 568,438 #47 53: 97 Submarine 414,451 0 45 2 20 0 64.4 99 -0.0 386,421 #22 [Ferry #34:403 -0.3]: sea 11 Ship is moving...Submarine @340,478 [Submarine #11:96 1.1]: radar PARK RANGERS[7] Radar Report Date : 404.50 Island Name Location Size Dist Direc ------------------------------ -------- ---- ---- ----- 2 OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22[#22] 348,422 38,32 26.2 17.7 2 [AN UNDISCOVERED][#212] 323,495 10, 4 18.8 205.2 Nation Name Ship Type Location Dist Direc Disp ------------------------------ ---------------- -------- ----- ----- ------- + PARK RANGERS[7] Submarine #11 340,478 0.0 0.0 Moving ! 2222 22222 ! ! - - - + - - - ! ! 222222 2 222 ! [Submarine #11:96 1.1]: course Destination (X,Y)? 332,494 Speed (Default=25)? Destination = 332,494 [AN UNDISCOVERED][#212] @10,0 Distance = 17.9, Direction = 206.6, Speed = 25 Fuel required = 1.8, Supply on ship = 56.9 Starting date = 404.50, ETA = 414.72 Use how much time (Default=1.2)? Destination = 332,494 [AN UNDISCOVERED][#212] @10,0 Distance = 16.6, Direction = 205.0, Speed = 25 Fuel required = 1.7, Supply on ship = 56.8 Starting date = 404.50, ETA = 413.96 Set course (Default=YES)? Course set. [Submarine #11:96 -0.2]: sh sub PARK RANGERS[7] Ship Report Date: 404.50 Num:Fl Style Position Civ Mil Art Expl Ftr Fuel % Time Destination -------- ------------ ------- ---- ---- --- ---- --- ----- -- ---- ------------ 11: 96 Submarine 339,479 0 43 2 20 0 56.8 99 -0.3 332,494 #212 51: 93 Submarine 560,592 0 50 2 20 0 63.9 99 0.8 565,599 #36 52: 91 Submarine 554,445 0 50 2 20 0 66.4 99 0.7 568,438 #47 53: 97 Submarine 414,451 0 45 2 20 0 64.4 99 -0.0 386,421 #22 [Submarine #11:96 -0.2]: l103 Date: 404.52 [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 44/7]: t (d=d pr>149) Sector Des Civ Mil Art Explv Ore Eff Prod Smpl Auth Ftr Bmr 25,17 D 999 0 0 0 68 99 150 6% None [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 44/7]: gath a from a to 25,17 ti 1 4 artillery gathered, 1 time units used. [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 43/8]: gath e from e to 25,17 ti 1 149 explosives gathered, 1 time units used. [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 42/9]: v 111111111122222222223333333333444444444455 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 1 DMD ------- DMD DMDDD --- ---^--- P PP 1 2 EEE --- --- ---EEM--- ---- ---^^ PM 2 3 PPM ---- ---- -M---- ---- ---^^- PPPP 3 4 DD EM -- ----- EM-- - ---- -^^--- - 4 5 DD+PE MEMP -- ---- A--- ----- -^^------ 5 6 E^MPMEPMEMEP - --- EPEPE----^--^^----- 6 7 MEMEMPE^E EPE -- ---MM(MEEP^^^--^^---- 7 8 E MM PEMPP ------^^^^-M--E^^^^^^^---- 8 9 EP^EEA ----^^^^^-E -E-^^^^^^-- 9 10 PP PEEPM ----^^^^^^^E -A--^^^^^^--- 10 11 P PME - --^^^^^^^^M- MPMEM^^+^^- 11 12 EE^CM-- -^^^^^^^^A- --- MEPEPA P 12 13 PMM^----^^^^^PMP --- PEEEM M 13 14 MMP+APEEM-EEE ----- PMPME 14 15 EEPME M A-E- ------ P PEP 15 16 EEEPEE EP-P- ------- MEPE 16 17 PPP DMDDD DDMD --------- MDD 17 111111111122222222223333333333444444444455 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 42/9]: lau Launch from sector (X,Y)? 25,17 Type of ship (or ?)? sub *** Sector 25,17 only has 150 production. A SUBMARINE requires 200 *** [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 42/9]: v 111111111122222222223333333333444444444455 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 1 DMD ------- DMD DMDDD --- ---^--- P PP 1 2 EEE --- --- ---EEM--- ---- ---^^ PM 2 3 PPM ---- ---- -M---- ---- ---^^- PPPP 3 4 DD EM -- ----- EM-- - ---- -^^--- - 4 5 DD+PE MEMP -- ---- A--- ----- -^^------ 5 6 E^MPMEPMEMEP - --- EPEPE----^--^^----- 6 7 MEMEMPE^E EPE -- ---MM(MEEP^^^--^^---- 7 8 E MM PEMPP ------^^^^-M--E^^^^^^^---- 8 9 EP^EEA ----^^^^^-E -E-^^^^^^-- 9 10 PP PEEPM ----^^^^^^^E -A--^^^^^^--- 10 11 P PME - --^^^^^^^^M- MPMEM^^+^^- 11 12 EE^CM-- -^^^^^^^^A- --- MEPEPA P 12 13 PMM^----^^^^^PMP --- PEEEM M 13 14 MMP+APEEM-EEE ----- PMPME 14 15 EEPME M A-E- ------ P PEP 15 16 EEEPEE EP-P- ------- MEPE 16 17 PPP DMDDD DDMD --------- MDD 17 111111111122222222223333333333444444444455 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 42/9]: t 22,14 Sector Des Civ Mil Art Explv Ore Eff Prod Smpl Auth Ftr Bmr 22,14 P 933 0 0 0 72 99 12 6% [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 42/9]: spr Spread civilians in region (LowX,LowY,HighX,HighY)? 1,1,51,17 Take civilians from sector (X,Y)? 22,14 Spread across mountains (Y/N)? n Spread in owned sectors also (Y/N)? n The spread would be across 68 sectors *** 67 time units are needed, you only have 42 *** [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 42/9]: m c From sector (X,Y)? 22,14 To sector (X,Y)? 22,13 The move will require 1 time unit. Quanity (Max=933)? 830 Ore sample 5% [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 41/10]: spr Spread civilians in region (LowX,LowY,HighX,HighY)? 1,1,51,12 Take civilians from sector (X,Y)? 22,14 Spread across mountains (Y/N)? n Spread in owned sectors also (Y/N)? n *** No sectors in the region are accessable from 22,14 *** Take civilians from sector (X,Y)? // Spread civilians in region (LowX,LowY,HighX,HighY)? // [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 41/10]: v 111111111122222222223333333333444444444455 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 1 DMD ------- DMD DMDDD --- ---^--- P PP 1 2 EEE --- --- ---EEM--- ---- ---^^ PM 2 3 PPM ---- ---- -M---- ---- ---^^- PPPP 3 4 DD EM -- ----- EM-- - ---- -^^--- - 4 5 DD+PE MEMP -- ---- A--- ----- -^^------ 5 6 E^MPMEPMEMEP - --- EPEPE----^--^^----- 6 7 MEMEMPE^E EPE -- ---MM(MEEP^^^--^^---- 7 8 E MM PEMPP ------^^^^-M--E^^^^^^^---- 8 9 EP^EEA ----^^^^^-E -E-^^^^^^-- 9 10 PP PEEPM ----^^^^^^^E -A--^^^^^^--- 10 11 P PME - --^^^^^^^^M- MPMEM^^+^^- 11 12 EE^CM-- -^^^^^^^^A- --- MEPEPA P 12 13 PMM^--R-^^^^^PMP --- PEEEM M 13 14 MMP+APEEM-EEE ----- PMPME 14 15 EEPME M A-E- ------ P PEP 15 16 EEEPEE EP-P- ------- MEPE 16 17 PPP DMDDD DDMD --------- MDD 17 111111111122222222223333333333444444444455 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 41/10]: spr Spread civilians in region (LowX,LowY,HighX,HighY)? 1,1,51,12 Take civilians from sector (X,Y)? 22,13 Spread across mountains (Y/N)? n Spread in owned sectors also (Y/N)? n The spread would be across 61 sectors *** 60 time units are needed, you only have 41 *** [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 41/10]: spr Spread civilians in region (LowX,LowY,HighX,HighY)? 20,1,51,17 Take civilians from sector (X,Y)? 22,13 Spread across mountains (Y/N)? n Spread in owned sectors also (Y/N)? n The spread would be across 53 sectors *** 52 time units are needed, you only have 41 *** [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 41/10]: spr Spread civilians in region (LowX,LowY,HighX,HighY)? 1,6,51,12 Take civilians from sector (X,Y)? 22,13 Spread across mountains (Y/N)? n Spread in owned sectors also (Y/N)? n The spread would be across 27 sectors Number of civilians per sector (Max=30)? // Spread in owned sectors also (Y/N)? // Spread across mountains (Y/N)? // Take civilians from sector (X,Y)? // Spread civilians in region (LowX,LowY,HighX21,3hY)? 20,1,51,12 The spread used 41 time units.Y)? 22,13 Spread across mountains (Y/N)? n [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 0/51]: v 111111111122222222223333333333444444444455 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 1 DMD ------- DMD DMDDD --- ---^--- P PP 1 2 EEE --- --- ---EEM--- ---- ---^^ PM 2 3 PPM ---- RRRR -M---- ---- ---^^- PPPP 3 4 DD EM -- RRRRR EM-- - ---- -^^--- - 4 5 DD+PE MEMP RR RRRR A--- ----- -^^------ 5 6 E^MPMEPMEMEP R RRR EPEPE----^--^^----- 6 7 MEMEMPE^E EPE RR RRRMM(MEEP^^^--^^---- 7 8 E MM PEMPP RRRRRR^^^^-M--E^^^^^^^---- 8 9 EP^EEA RRRR^^^^^-E -E-^^^^^^-- 9 10 PP PEEPM RRRR^^^^^^^E -A--^^^^^^--- 10 11 P PME - RR^^^^^^^^M- MPMEM^^+^^- 11 12 EE^CM-- R^^^^^^^^A- --- MEPEPA P 12 13 PMM^--R-^^^^^PMP --- PEEEM M 13 14 MMP+APEEM-EEE ----- PMPME 14 15 EEPME M A-E- ------ P PEP 15 16 EEEPEE EP-P- ------- MEPE 16 17 PPP DMDDD DDMD --------- MDD 17 111111111122222222223333333333444444444455 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 0/51]: st (S>9 New designation? m Number of sectors to change (max= 7)? 7 7 sectors changed [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 0/51]: ana Sector Analysis PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] island Date: 404.55 Island size = 867, Land = 403 46%, Water = 382 44%, Mountains = 82 9% You own 240 sectors 28% of the island. 35 15% Rurals 1 0% Capitol 56 23% Mines, 31 usable 63 26% Explosive plants, 37 usable 7 3% Artillery industries, 5 usable 21 9% Dock/shipyard industries, 20 usable 53 22% Plane industries, 20 usable 3 1% Airports (+) 1 0% Radar installations Total industries = 144, Usable = 82, Active = 78 Ore produced per update time unit: Potential = 184.9, Actual = 100.0 Excess ore per update time unit: Potential = 40.9, Actual = 18.0 [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 0/51]: st (d=r s=9 New designation? m Number of sectors to change (max= 3)? 3 3 sectors changed [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 0/51]: st (d=r New designation? p Number of sectors to change (max= 32)? 32 32 sectors changed [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 0/51]: v 111111111122222222223333333333444444444455 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 1 DMD ------- DMD DMDDD --- ---^--- P PP 1 2 EEE --- --- ---EEM--- ---- ---^^ PM 2 3 PPM ---- PPPM -M---- ---- ---^^- PPPP 3 4 DD EM -- PPPPM EM-- - ---- -^^--- - 4 5 DD+PE MEMP PP PPPP A--- ----- -^^------ 5 6 E^MPMEPMEMEP M PPP EPEPE----^--^^----- 6 7 MEMEMPE^E EPE MP PMPMM(MEEP^^^--^^---- 7 8 E MM PEMPP MMPMPP^^^^-M--E^^^^^^^---- 8 9 EP^EEA PPPP^^^^^-E -E-^^^^^^-- 9 10 PP PEEPM MPPM^^^^^^^E -A--^^^^^^--- 10 11 P PME - PP^^^^^^^^M- MPMEM^^+^^- 11 12 EE^CM-- P^^^^^^^^A- --- MEPEPA P 12 13 PMM^--P-^^^^^PMP --- PEEEM M 13 14 MMP+APEEM-EEE ----- PMPME 14 15 EEPME M A-E- ------ P PEP 15 16 EEEPEE EP-P- ------- MEPE 16 17 PPP DMDDD DDMD --------- MDD 17 111111111122222222223333333333444444444455 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 0/51]: up 50 Population growth 43721 Ore supply 12009, demand for ore 5530. 124 industries operating at 100% of capacity. Excess ore per industry 52. [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 0/1]: t (d=d pr=200) Sector Des Civ Mil Art Explv Ore Eff Prod Smpl Auth Ftr Bmr 25,17 D 999 0 4 149 53 99 200 6% None [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 0/1]: lau Launch from sector (X,Y)? 25,17 Type of ship (or ?)? sub You have launched ship #86 [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 0/1]: load 86 PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] island, sector 25,17 Loading what? o Quanity (Max=53)? 53 Loading what? m *** Sector 25,17 has no MILITARY *** Loading what? 0 [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 0/1]: enl Enlist in sector (X,Y)? 25,17 Number of persons (Maximum=999)? 500 [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 0/1]: load 86 PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] island, sector 25,17 Loading what? m Quanity (Max=50)? 50 Loading what? a Quanity (Max=2)? 2 Loading what? e Quanity (Max=20)? 20 Loading what? 0 [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 0/1]: gath o to sh 86 22 ore gathered. [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 0/1]: sh 86 Submarine #86 docked on PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] island, sector 25,17 World coordinates 498,507 Fleet Civ Mil Gun Expl Eff Ftr Rust Ore Time ----- ---- ---- --- ---- --- --- ---- ----- ----- 0 0 50 2 20 99 0 0 75.0 25.0 [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 0/1]: sea 86 Submarine @498,507 [Submarine #86:0 24.9]: sa Submarine #86 @498,507 docked on PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] island, sector 25, 17 To terminate enter // [498,507] Direction? 180 Distance (Max=24)? 1 Undocking [498,508] Direction? // [Submarine #86:0 24.0]: i 55 Island Index Date: 404.56 Island Name Location Size Flags Naming Nation ------------------------ -------- ---- ----- ----------------------------- 55 YOSEMITE 55 464,573 41,20 O PARK RANGERS[7] Flags: O = Occupied, V = Visited, R = Released. [Submarine #86:0 24.0]: course Destination (X,Y)? 505,573 Speed (Default=25)? Destination = 505,573 YOSEMITE 55[#55] @42,1 Distance = 65.4, Direction = 173.9, Speed = 25 Fuel required = 6.5, Supply on ship = 74.9 Starting date = 404.56, ETA = 441.92 Use how much time (Default=24.0)? Leaving inland waters Destination = 505,573 YOSEMITE 55[#55] @42,1 Distance = 41.2, Direction = 174.4, Speed = 25 Fuel required = 4.1, Supply on ship = 72.5 Starting date = 404.56, ETA = 428.10 Set course (Default=YES)? Course set. [Submarine #86:0 -0.1]: assi 86 to 94 Submarine #86 assigned to fleet 94 [Submarine #86:94 -0.1]: sh sub PARK RANGERS[7] Ship Report Date: 404.56 Num:Fl Style Position Civ Mil Art Expl Ftr Fuel % Time Destination -------- ------------ ------- ---- ---- --- ---- --- ----- -- ---- ------------ 11: 96 Submarine 339,479 0 43 2 20 0 56.8 99 -0.2 332,494 #212 51: 93 Submarine 560,592 0 50 2 20 0 63.9 99 0.9 565,599 #36 52: 91 Submarine 554,445 0 50 2 20 0 66.4 99 0.8 568,438 #47 53: 97 Submarine 414,451 0 45 2 20 0 64.4 99 0.1 386,421 #22 86: 94 Submarine 501,532 0 50 2 20 0 72.5 99 -0.2 505,573 #55 [Submarine #86:94 -0.1]: t (d=d pr>149) *** Expected FLEET, TO, or