EMPIRECLASSIC:hello player.empire5 HP3000 Release: C.60.00 User Version: C.60.02 THU, AUG 29, 2002, 9:48 AM MPE/iX HP31900 C.16.01 Copyright Hewlett-Packard 1987. All rights reserved. ************************************************************** * Welcome to the HP3000 at hp3000.empireclassic.com * ************************************************************** * A NEW HP friendly terminal emulator can be obtained at: * * http://aics-research.com/qcterm/ Dated 11 JUL 2002 * ************************************************************** * EMPIRE1 started 28 JUL 2002 expires 02 SEP 2002 * * EMPIRE2 started 25 JUL 2002 expires 13 SEP 2002 * * EMPIRE3 started 18 JUN 2002 expires 05 JAN 2003 * * EMPIRE4 started 11 JUN 2002 expires 05 JAN 2003 * * EMPIRE5 started 02 AUG 2002 expires 02 AUG 2003 * ************************************************************** EMPIRE 3.52 August 10, 2002 - (c) 1984-2002 Ben Norton and Friends Your Nations Name or Number? 7 Password? Date: 384.55 [ Mail call ] [375.38] Submarine #11:96 arrived at [AN UNDISCOVERED][#22] sector 38,33 [375.38] Liner #19:98 arrived at SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231[#231] sector 1,9 [375.38] Ferry #34:403 arrived at PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] sector 42,17 [382.52] Liner #20:96 arrived at BIG BEND 106[#106] sector 32,0 [382.52] Liner #21:95 arrived at YOSEMITE 55[#55] sector 0,2 [382.52] Liner #22:93 arrived at 558,554 [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 30/1]: sea 11 Submarine @385,454 [Submarine #11:96 19.2]: v Location: 385,454 [AN UNDISCOVERED][#22] sector 38,33 Water [ 0] Sea 37,32 0%R 386 0M 453 Sea Sea Sea 384 385 386 454 454 454 Sea Sea Sea 384 385 386 455 455 455 [Submarine #11:96 19.2]: sa Submarine #11 @385,454 in [AN UNDISCOVERED][#22] coastal waters, sector 38,33 To terminate enter // [385,454] Direction? 0 Distance (Max=19)? 1 Docked at sector 38,32 [385,453] Direction? // [Submarine #11:96 18.2]: assa [AN UNDISCOVERED][#22], sector 38,32 [ Unowned ] 0% R, 0 military Expected victory casualties : 0 Number of persons in the assault (Max=46)? 3 You have won, casualties 0, enemy losses 0 You are the first nation to land on ISLAND 22[#22] island. [Submarine #11:96 18.2]: l22 Date: 384.56 [ISLAND 22 : No Capitol]: v 11111111112222222222333333333 12345678901234567890123456789012345678 1 ------------ -^------ ---- ---- 1 2 --------------^----- ---- -- --- 2 3 -^------^-----^---- ----- -- ---- 3 4 -^^^^^^^^^-------- - --- -- -- 4 5 ------^^^^^--^--- --- -- -- -- 5 6 -^^^^^^^^^---^------ -- -- -- 6 7 --^^^^^^------^^---- --- -- --- 7 8 --^^^^^-------^^--- ---- --- ---- 8 9 ---^^^^^-------^--- ----- ---- ---- 9 10 ----^^^^-------^-- -------- - -------- 10 11 - ---^^^-------^---------------------- 11 12 ------^------------------------------ 12 13 -- ----^^----------------^^^- ------^ 13 14 - ----^-----------^---^^^^- -------- 14 15 -- -------------^^^----^^--- -------- 15 16 -- -------------^^^^- ----- - ------- 16 17 --------------^^^^- -- - ---^----- 17 18 ----------^^---^^^^--- - -----^----- 18 19 ----------^^--^^^-^---- ----^^---- 19 20 --------^^^--^-------- -----^---- 20 21 ----------^^-^^-------- ------- 21 22 ----------^^--^-- ---- --- --- 22 23 ----------^^---- ----- -- -- ----- 23 24 ----------^^----- --^^---------- ----- 24 25 ----------^------ ---^^-^^^--- ---- 25 26 -^------^----^-- -----^-^--- --- 26 27 -^^-----^-^----- -----^-- - --- 27 28 ---------^^^-^--- ---^- - --- 28 29 --------^^--^^---- ---- - - 29 30 ---------------- ----- - 30 31 - ---------------- -- -- - 31 32 --------------^--- -- -- D 32 11111111112222222222333333333 12345678901234567890123456789012345678 [ISLAND 22 : No Capitol]: des 38,32 38,32 currently a 0% D (1% sample). New designation? c Designation changed. [ISLAND 22 : 0/0]: i n New island name? Olympic National Park 22 [OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22 : 0/0]: sea Submarine @385,453 [Submarine #11:96 18.2]: sa Submarine #11 @385,453 docked on OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22[#22] island, sector 38 ,32 To terminate enter // [385,453] Direction? u Undocking [385,454] Direction? / *** Expected heading, EXIT, MINE, SWEEP, UNDOCK, VIEW or // *** [385,454] Direction? // [Submarine #11:96 17.2]: radar PARK RANGERS[7] Radar Report Date : 384.56 Island Name Location Size Dist Direc ------------------------------ -------- ---- ---- ----- 2 OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22[#22] 348,422 38,32 1.0 0.0 Nation Name Ship Type Location Dist Direc Disp ------------------------------ ---------------- -------- ----- ----- ------- + PARK RANGERS[7] Submarine #11 385,454 0.0 0.0 22 2 22 22 22222222222 2222222222222 222222222222222 2222222222222222 22222222 222222 22222222222222222 222222222222 22 222222222 22 2222222 - 22 + - - - ! ! ! [Submarine #11:96 17.2]: course Destination (X,Y)? 300,500 Speed (Default=25)? Destination = 300,500 Distance = 96.6, Direction = 241.6, Speed = 25 Fuel required = 9.7, Supply on ship = 62.1 Starting date = 384.56, ETA = 439.79 Use how much time (Default=17.3)? Leaving inland waters Destination = 300,500 Distance = 79.6, Direction = 241.5, Speed = 25 Fuel required = 8.0, Supply on ship = 60.4 Starting date = 384.56, ETA = 430.08 Set course (Default=YES)? Course set. [Submarine #11:96 0.2]: radar PARK RANGERS[7] Radar Report Date : 384.56 Island Name Location Size Dist Direc ------------------------------ -------- ---- ---- ----- 2 OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22[#22] 348,422 38,32 9.0 0.0 Nation Name Ship Type Location Dist Direc Disp ------------------------------ ---------------- -------- ----- ----- ------- + PARK RANGERS[7] Submarine #11 370,462 0.0 0.0 Moving 222222222 222222222222 2222 222222222222222222222 2222222222222 2222222 2222222222222222222222 22222222222222222 222 22222222222222 2 222 22222222222222 2 2 ! - - - + - - - ! ! ! [Submarine #11:96 0.2]: mai r [375.38] Submarine #11:96 arrived at [AN UNDISCOVERED][#22] sector 38,33 [375.38] Liner #19:98 arrived at SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231[#231] sector 1,9 [375.38] Ferry #34:403 arrived at PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] sector 42,17 [382.52] Liner #20:96 arrived at BIG BEND 106[#106] sector 32,0 [382.52] Liner #21:95 arrived at YOSEMITE 55[#55] sector 0,2 [382.52] Liner #22:93 arrived at 558,554 [Submarine #11:96 0.2]: sea 19 Liner @473,437 [Liner #19:98 13.9]: v Location: 473,437 SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231[#231] sector 1,9 Sea [ 0] [ 0] 472 0%R 0%R 436 0M 0M Sea Water Water 472 1, 9 2, 9 437 Sea Sea Sea 472 473 474 438 438 438 [Liner #19:98 13.9]: l231 Date: 384.56 [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 99/58]: v 111111111122222 123456789012345678901234 1 -- -- -- - - ---- 1 2 - --- ------ ---- 2 3 ---- ---- ---- 3 4 ----- - - ---- 4 5 ---^--- - ----- 5 6 - - --^^----------- 6 7 --- ------------------- 7 8 ---------------- -----D 8 9 --- --------- -----C 9 111111111122222 123456789012345678901234 [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 99/58]: sea Liner @473,437 [Liner #19:98 13.9]: sa Liner #19 @473,437 in SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231[#231] interior waters, sector 1,9 To terminate enter // [473,437] Direction? 0 Distance (Max=13)? 1 Docked at sector 1,8 [473,436] Direction? // [Liner #19:98 12.9]: assa SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231[#231], sector 1,8 [ Unowned ] 0% R, 0 military Expected victory casualties : 0 Number of persons in the assault (Max=98)? 1 You have won, casualties 0, enemy losses 0 [Liner #19:98 12.9]: unl SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231[#231] island, sector 1,8 Unloading what? c Quanity (Max=999)? 999 Unloading what? 0 [Liner #19:98 12.9]: l Date: 384.56 [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 99/58]: m c From sector (X,Y)? 1,8 To sector (X,Y)? 1,7 The move will require 1 time unit. Quanity (Max=999)? 999 Ore sample 0% [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 98/59]: unl 19 SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231[#231] island, sector 1,8 Unloading what? c Quanity (Max=999)? 999 Unloading what? 0 [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 98/59]: m c From sector (X,Y)? 1,9 *** Sector 1,9 is water, you cannot move from water *** From sector (X,Y)? 1,8 To sector (X,Y)? 1,7 *** Sector 1,7 cannot hold any more CIVILIANS *** [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 98/59]: des 1,7 1, 7 currently a 0% R (0% sample). New designation? u Designation changed. [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 98/59]: m c From sector (X,Y)? 1,8 To sector (X,Y)? 1,7 The move will require 1 time unit. Quanity (Max=999)? 999 Move complete. [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 97/60]: unl 19 SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231[#231] island, sector 1,8 Unloading what? c Quanity (Max=999)? 999 Unloading what? 0 [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 97/60]: v 111111111122222 123456789012345678901234 1 -- -- -- - - ---- 1 2 - --- ------ ---- 2 3 ---- ---- ---- 3 4 ----- - - ---- 4 5 ---^--- - ----- 5 6 - - --^^----------- 6 7 U-- ------------------- 7 8 D--------------- -----D 8 9 --- --------- -----C 9 111111111122222 123456789012345678901234 [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 97/60]: spr Spread civilians in region (LowX,LowY,HighX,HighY)? 1,1,24,9 Take civilians from sector (X,Y)? 1,8 Spread across mountains (Y/N)? n Spread in owned sectors also (Y/N)? y The spread would be across 119 sectors *** 118 time units are needed, you only have 97 *** [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 97/60]: spr Spread civilians in region (LowX,LowY,HighX,HighY)? 1,1,20,9 Take civilians from sector (X,Y)? 1,8 Spread across mountains (Y/N)? n Spread in owned sectors also (Y/N)? y The spread would be across 83 sectors Number of civilians per sector (Max=36)? 15 Place extra 1752 civilians in sector (X,Y)? 20,8 The spread used 82 time units. [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 15/142]: spr Spread civilians in region (LowX,LowY,HighX,HighY)? 21,8,24,9 Take civilians from sector (X,Y)? 20,8 Spread across mountains (Y/N)? n Spread in owned sectors also (Y/N)? y The spread would be across 9 sectors Number of civilians per sector (Max=196)? 15 Place extra 1632 civilians in sector (X,Y)? 21,8 The spread used 8 time units. [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 7/150]: t 21,8 Sector Des Civ Mil Art Explv Ore Eff Prod Smpl Auth Ftr Bmr 21, 8 U 1647 0 0 0 0 0 0 9% [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 7/150]: m c From sector (X,Y)? 21,8 To sector (X,Y)? 21,7 The move will require 1 time unit. Quanity (Max=1647)? 1630 Ore sample 7% [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 6/151]: des 21,7 21, 7 currently a 0% U (7% sample). New designation? c Designation changed. [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 6/151]: v 111111111122222 123456789012345678901234 1 -- -- RR - - ---- 1 2 - RRR ------ ---- 2 3 RRRR ---- ---- 3 4 RRRRR - - ---- 4 5 RRR^RRR R R---- 5 6 R R RR^^RRRRRRR---- 6 7 URR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRC--- 7 8 DRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RUURRD 8 9 RRR RRRRRRRRR RRRRRR 9 111111111122222 123456789012345678901234 [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 6/151]: st (d u *** Expected "=" or "#" after DESIGNATION in criteria *** [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 6/151]: r Transmission? 0 [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 6/151]: st (d=u New designation? r Number of sectors to change (max= 3)? 3 3 sectors changed [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 6/151]: st (S>9 New designation? m Number of sectors to change (max= 13)? 13 13 sectors changed [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 6/151]: ana Sector Analysis SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231[#231] island Date: 384.59 Island size = 216, Land = 138 64%, Water = 75 35%, Mountains = 3 1% You own 92 sectors 43% of the island. 76 83% Rurals 1 1% Capitol 13 14% Mines, 0 usable 2 2% Dock/shipyard industries, 0 usable Total industries = 2, Usable = 0, Active = 0 Ore produced per update time unit: Potential = 82.2, Actual = 0.0 Excess ore per update time unit: Potential = 80.2, Actual = 0.0 [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 6/151]: st (s=9 New designation? m Number of sectors to change (max= 8)? 4 4 sectors changed [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 6/151]: ana Sector Analysis SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231[#231] island Date: 384.59 Island size = 216, Land = 138 64%, Water = 75 35%, Mountains = 3 1% You own 92 sectors 43% of the island. 73 79% Rurals 1 1% Capitol 17 18% Mines, 0 usable 1 1% Dock/shipyard industries, 0 usable Total industries = 1, Usable = 0, Active = 0 Ore produced per update time unit: Potential = 85.8, Actual = 0.0 Excess ore per update time unit: Potential = 84.8, Actual = 0.0 [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 6/151]: v p 111111111122222 123456789012345678901234 1 -- -- RR - - ---- 1 2 - RRR ------ ---- 2 3 RRRM ---- ---- 3 4 RRRRR - - ---- 4 5 MRR^RRR M R---- 5 6 M R RM^^MRRRMRR---- 6 7 RMR RRRMRRMRRMRRRRRC--- 7 8 DRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR MRRRMM 8 9 RRM RRRRRRRRR RMRMRR 9 111111111122222 123456789012345678901234 [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 6/151]: des 11,3 11, 3 currently a 0% R (8% sample). New designation? + Designation changed. [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 6/151]: des 24,9 24, 9 currently a 0% R (3% sample). New designation? d Designation changed. [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 6/151]: des 1,7 1, 7 currently a 0% R (0% sample). New designation? d Designation changed. [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 6/151]: des 11,1 12,1 11, 1 currently a 0% R (8% sample). New designation? d Designation changed. 12, 1 currently a 0% R (6% sample). New designation? d Designation changed. [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 6/151]: ana Sector Analysis SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231[#231] island Date: 384.59 Island size = 216, Land = 138 64%, Water = 75 35%, Mountains = 3 1% You own 92 sectors 43% of the island. 68 74% Rurals 1 1% Capitol 17 18% Mines, 0 usable 5 5% Dock/shipyard industries, 0 usable 1 1% Airports (+) Total industries = 5, Usable = 0, Active = 0 Ore produced per update time unit: Potential = 85.8, Actual = 0.0 Excess ore per update time unit: Potential = 80.8, Actual = 0.0 [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 6/151]: st (d=r New designation? a Number of sectors to change (max= 68)? 2 2 sectors changed [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 6/151]: st (d=r New designation? e Number of sectors to change (max= 66)? 15 15 sectors changed [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 6/151]: st (d=r New designation? p Number of sectors to change (max= 51)? 51 51 sectors changed [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 6/151]: sea Liner @473,436 [Liner #19:98 13.0]: unl SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231[#231] island, sector 1,8 Unloading what? c Quanity (Max=984)? 360 Unloading what? 0 [Liner #19:98 13.0]: l Date: 384.59 [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 6/151]: up 50 Population growth 5634 Ore supply 4, demand for ore 0. [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 6/101]: sea Liner @473,436 [Liner #19:98 13.0]: load SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231[#231] island, sector 1,8 Loading what? c Quanity (Max=999)? 600 Loading what? 0 [Liner #19:98 13.0]: l Date: 384.59 [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 6/101]: up 49 Population growth 12070 Ore supply 4, demand for ore 0. [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 6/52]: sea Liner @473,436 [Liner #19:98 13.0]: load SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231[#231] island, sector 1,8 Loading what? c Quanity (Max=999)? 899 Loading what? 0 [Liner #19:98 13.0]: l Date: 384.59 [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 6/52]: t c Sector Des Civ Mil Art Explv Ore Eff Prod Smpl Auth Ftr Bmr 21, 7 C 9999 0 0 0 0 99 0 7% [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 6/52]: gath c from c to sh 19 ti 1 Leaving 100 per sector 1858 civilians gathered, 1 time units used. [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 5/53]: sea Liner @473,436 [Liner #19:98 13.0]: sa Liner #19 @473,436 docked on SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231[#231] island, sector 1,8 To terminate enter // [473,436] Direction? u Undocking [473,437] Direction? -45 Distance (Max=12)? 1 [472,436] Direction? // [Liner #19:98 10.6]: i 56 Island Index Date: 384.63 Island Name Location Size Flags Naming Nation ------------------------ -------- ---- ----- ----------------------------- 56 [AN UNDISCOVERED] 432,368 24,20 Flags: O = Occupied, V = Visited, R = Released. [Liner #19:98 10.6]: course Destination (X,Y)? 434,388 Speed (Default=15)? Destination = 434,388 [AN UNDISCOVERED][#56] @3,21 Distance = 61.2, Direction = 321.6, Speed = 15 Fuel required = 6.1, Supply on ship = 93.7 Starting date = 384.63, ETA = 442.93 Use how much time (Default=10.6)? Leaving inland waters Destination = 434,388 [AN UNDISCOVERED][#56] @3,21 Distance = 50.6, Direction = 322.2, Speed = 15 Fuel required = 5.1, Supply on ship = 92.6 Starting date = 384.63, ETA = 432.82 Set course (Default=YES)? Course set. [Liner #19:98 0.0]: mai r [375.38] Submarine #11:96 arrived at [AN UNDISCOVERED][#22] sector 38,33 [375.38] Liner #19:98 arrived at SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231[#231] sector 1,9 [375.38] Ferry #34:403 arrived at PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] sector 42,17 [382.52] Liner #20:96 arrived at BIG BEND 106[#106] sector 32,0 [382.52] Liner #21:95 arrived at YOSEMITE 55[#55] sector 0,2 [382.52] Liner #22:93 arrived at 558,554 [Liner #19:98 0.0]: sea 20 Liner @421,496 [Liner #20:96 3.5]: v Location: 421,496 BIG BEND 106[#106] sector 32,0 Sea Sea Sea 420 421 422 495 495 495 Sea Sea Sea 420 421 422 496 496 496 [ 0] [ 7] Sea 0%R 0%C 422 0M 4M 497 [Liner #20:96 3.5]: sa Liner #20 @421,496 in BIG BEND 106[#106] coastal waters, sector 32,0 To terminate enter // [421,496] Direction? 270 Distance (Max=3)? 1 [420,496] Direction? 180 Distance (Max=2)? 1 Docked at sector 31,1 [420,497] Direction? // [Liner #20:96 1.5]: assa BIG BEND 106[#106], sector 31,1 [ Unowned ] 0% R, 0 military Expected victory casualties : 0 Number of persons in the assault (Max=99)? 1 You have won, casualties 0, enemy losses 0 [Liner #20:96 1.5]: unl BIG BEND 106[#106] island, sector 31,1 Unloading what? c Quanity (Max=999)? 999 Unloading what? 0 [Liner #20:96 1.5]: l106 Date: 384.63 [BIG BEND 106 : 43/0]: v 11111111112222222222333 12345678901234567890123456789012 1 ^------- --^^---- - -- --- -DC 1 2 -------- --^^----- -- -- ------ 2 3 ---^^^----^^^^------ ---------- 3 4 ---^^^^^---^^^- ---- --------- 4 5 ---^^^^^^--^^ -- -- --------- 5 6 ---^^^^---^--- - -- - ------ 6 7 - ---^-^--^^---- --- - - --- 7 8 ----------^---^----- ----- ---- 8 9 ---- -----^---^^---- ------ --- 9 10 ---- -----^--^^^^-- -------^ 10 11 - --- ------ ^-^^^ ----^^^ 11 12 ---- ------ -^-^-- -^^^^- 12 11111111112222222222333 12345678901234567890123456789012 [BIG BEND 106 : 43/0]: m c From sector (X,Y)? 31,1 To sector (X,Y)? 32,1 The move will require 1 time unit. Quanity (Max=999)? 999 Move complete. [BIG BEND 106 : 42/1]: unl Unload ship number? 20 BIG BEND 106[#106] island, sector 31,1 Unloading what? c Quanity (Max=999)? 999 Unloading what? m c Quanity (Max=98)? 31,1 Unloading what? 32,1 *** Expected C, M, O, A, E, ? or // *** Unloading what? c *** Sector 31,1 cannot hold any more CIVILIANS *** Unloading what? 0 [BIG BEND 106 : 42/1]: m c From sector (X,Y)? 31,1 To sector (X,Y)? 32,1 The move will require 1 time unit. Quanity (Max=999)? 999 Move complete. [BIG BEND 106 : 41/2]: unl 20 BIG BEND 106[#106] island, sector 31,1 Unloading what? c Quanity (Max=999)? 999 Unloading what? 0 [BIG BEND 106 : 41/2]: sh 20 Liner #20 docked on BIG BEND 106[#106] island, sector 31,1 World coordinates 420,497 Fleet Civ Mil Gun Expl Eff Ftr Rust Ore Time ----- ---- ---- --- ---- --- --- ---- ----- ----- 96 3 67 0 0 99 0 0 90.3 1.5 [BIG BEND 106 : 41/2]: v 11111111112222222222333 12345678901234567890123456789012 1 ^------- --^^---- - -- --- -DC 1 2 -------- --^^----- -- -- ------ 2 3 ---^^^----^^^^------ ---------- 3 4 ---^^^^^---^^^- ---- --------- 4 5 ---^^^^^^--^^ -- -- --------- 5 6 ---^^^^---^--- - -- - ------ 6 7 - ---^-^--^^---- --- - - --- 7 8 ----------^---^----- ----- ---- 8 9 ---- -----^---^^---- ------ --- 9 10 ---- -----^--^^^^-- -------^ 10 11 - --- ------ ^-^^^ ----^^^ 11 12 ---- ------ -^-^-- -^^^^- 12 11111111112222222222333 12345678901234567890123456789012 [BIG BEND 106 : 41/2]: spr Spread civilians in region (LowX,LowY,HighX,HighY)? 1,1,32,12 Take civilians from sector (X,Y)? 32,1 Spread across mountains (Y/N)? n Spread in owned sectors also (Y/N)? y The spread would be across 115 sectors *** 114 time units are needed, you only have 41 *** [BIG BEND 106 : 41/2]: spr Spread civilians in region (LowX,LowY,HighX,HighY)? 22,1,32,12 Take civilians from sector (X,Y)? 32,1 Spread across mountains (Y/N)? n Spread in owned sectors also (Y/N)? y The spread would be across 93 sectors *** 92 time units are needed, you only have 41 *** [BIG BEND 106 : 41/2]: load 20 BIG BEND 106[#106] island, sector 31,1 Loading what? c Quanity (Max=999)? 999 Loading what? 0 [BIG BEND 106 : 41/2]: m c From sector (X,Y)? 32,1 To sector (X,Y)? 31,1 The move will require 1 time unit. Quanity (Max=999)? 999 Move complete. [BIG BEND 106 : 40/3]: load 20 BIG BEND 106[#106] island, sector 31,1 Loading what? c Quanity (Max=999)? 999 Loading what? 0 [BIG BEND 106 : 40/3]: m c From sector (X,Y)? 32,1 To sector (X,Y)? 31,1 The move will require 1 time unit. Quanity (Max=999)? 180 Move complete. [BIG BEND 106 : 39/4]: load 20 BIG BEND 106[#106] island, sector 31,1 Loading what? c Quanity (Max=180)? 165 Loading what? 0 [BIG BEND 106 : 39/4]: sea Liner @420,497 [Liner #20:96 1.5]: sa Liner #20 @420,497 docked on BIG BEND 106[#106] island, sector 31,1 To terminate enter // [420,497] Direction? u Undocking [Liner #20:96 0.5]: l22 Date: 384.66 [OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22 : 0/0]: v 11111111112222222222333333333 12345678901234567890123456789012345678 1 ------------ -^------ ---- ---- 1 2 --------------^----- ---- -- --- 2 3 -^------^-----^---- ----- -- ---- 3 4 -^^^^^^^^^-------- - --- -- -- 4 5 ------^^^^^--^--- --- -- -- -- 5 6 -^^^^^^^^^---^------ -- -- -- 6 7 --^^^^^^------^^---- --- -- --- 7 8 --^^^^^-------^^--- ---- --- ---- 8 9 ---^^^^^-------^--- ----- ---- ---- 9 10 ----^^^^-------^-- -------- - -------- 10 11 - ---^^^-------^---------------------- 11 12 ------^------------------------------ 12 13 -- ----^^----------------^^^- ------^ 13 14 - ----^-----------^---^^^^- -------- 14 15 -- -------------^^^----^^--- -------- 15 16 -- -------------^^^^- ----- - ------- 16 17 --------------^^^^- -- - ---^----- 17 18 ----------^^---^^^^--- - -----^----- 18 19 ----------^^--^^^-^---- ----^^---- 19 20 --------^^^--^-------- -----^---- 20 21 ----------^^-^^-------- ------- 21 22 ----------^^--^-- ---- --- --- 22 23 ----------^^---- ----- -- -- ----- 23 24 ----------^^----- --^^---------- ----- 24 25 ----------^------ ---^^-^^^--- ---- 25 26 -^------^----^-- -----^-^--- --- 26 27 -^^-----^-^----- -----^-- - --- 27 28 ---------^^^-^--- ---^- - --- 28 29 --------^^--^^---- ---- - - 29 30 ---------------- ----- - 30 31 - ---------------- -- -- - 31 32 --------------^--- -- -- C 32 11111111112222222222333333333 12345678901234567890123456789012345678 [OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22 : 0/0]: sea Liner @420,496 [Liner #20:96 0.5]: i 22 Island Index Date: 384.66 Island Name Location Size Flags Naming Nation ------------------------ -------- ---- ----- ----------------------------- 22 OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22 348,422 38,32 O PARK RANGERS[7] Flags: O = Occupied, V = Visited, R = Released. [Liner #20:96 0.5]: course Destination (X,Y)? 348,454 Speed (Default=15)? Destination = 348,454 OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22[#22] @1,33 Distance = 83.4, Direction = 300.3, Speed = 15 Fuel required = 8.3, Supply on ship = 90.2 Starting date = 384.66, ETA = 464.04 Set course (Default=YES)? Course set. [Liner #20:96 0.5]: mai r [375.38] Submarine #11:96 arrived at [AN UNDISCOVERED][#22] sector 38,33 [375.38] Liner #19:98 arrived at SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231[#231] sector 1,9 [375.38] Ferry #34:403 arrived at PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] sector 42,17 [382.52] Liner #20:96 arrived at BIG BEND 106[#106] sector 32,0 [382.52] Liner #21:95 arrived at YOSEMITE 55[#55] sector 0,2 [382.52] Liner #22:93 arrived at 558,554 [Liner #20:96 0.5]: sea 21 Liner @463,574 [Liner #21:95 2.4]: v Location: 463,574 YOSEMITE 55[#55] sector 0,2 Sea Sea [ 7] 462 463 0%C 573 573 5M Sea Sea [ 0] 462 463 0%R 574 574 0M Sea Sea [ 0] 462 463 0%R 575 575 0M [Liner #21:95 2.4]: sa Liner #21 @463,574 in YOSEMITE 55[#55] coastal waters, sector 0,2 To terminate enter // [463,574] Direction? 90 Distance (Max=2)? 1 Docked at sector 1,2 [464,574] Direction? // [Liner #21:95 1.4]: assa YOSEMITE 55[#55], sector 1,2 [ Unowned ] 0% R, 0 military Expected victory casualties : 0 Number of persons in the assault (Max=98)? 1 You have won, casualties 0, enemy losses 0 [Liner #21:95 1.4]: unl YOSEMITE 55[#55] island, sector 1,2 Unloading what? c Quanity (Max=999)? 999 Unloading what? 0 [Liner #21:95 1.4]: l55 Date: 384.66 [YOSEMITE 55 : 99/43]: v 11111111112222222222333333333344 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901 1 C- -- -- ----- -- - -- ----- 1 2 D-- - --- --- ------ - --- - ------ 2 3 ----- ---- ------------- ------ ------- 3 4 ----- ----------------- ------- - ------- 4 5 ----- ----------------- --------- ------- 5 6 ---- ----------------------------- ------ 6 7 --- ------------------------------- ---- 7 8 -----------------------^-^-------- ---- - 8 9 ------------------------^^------- ---- -- 9 10 -------------------------^^------------ - 10 11 -------------------------^------------ -- 11 12 ------------------^-- ------------------- 12 13 ------^^---------^^-- ------------------- 13 14 -----^^^---------^---- ----^-----^^------ 14 15 ------^--- --------- ----^^^--^^^------ 15 16 --------- - ----- -----^^^^^^^------- 16 17 --------- ------ -----^^^^^--------- 17 18 --------- ----- -----^^----------- 18 19 ---- --- - ---- ------------------ 19 20 --- ------ - -- -------------- --- 20 11111111112222222222333333333344 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901 [YOSEMITE 55 : 99/43]: m c From sector (X,Y)? 1,2 To sector (X,Y)? 1,1 The move will require 1 time unit. Quanity (Max=999)? 999 Move complete. [YOSEMITE 55 : 98/44]: unl 21 YOSEMITE 55[#55] island, sector 1,2 Unloading what? c Quanity (Max=999)? 999 Unloading what? 0 [YOSEMITE 55 : 98/44]: m c From sector (X,Y)? 1,2 To sector (X,Y)? 1,1 The move will require 1 time unit. Quanity (Max=999)? 999 Move complete. [YOSEMITE 55 : 97/45]: unl 21 YOSEMITE 55[#55] island, sector 1,2 Unloading what? c Quanity (Max=999)? 999 Unloading what? 0 [YOSEMITE 55 : 97/45]: spr Spread civilians in region (LowX,LowY,HighX,HighY)? 1,1,5,20 Take civilians from sector (X,Y)? 1,1 Spread across mountains (Y/N)? n Spread in owned sectors also (Y/N)? y The spread would be across 93 sectors Number of civilians per sector (Max=32)? 15 Place extra 1602 civilians in sector (X,Y)? 5,11 The spread used 92 time units. [YOSEMITE 55 : 5/137]: v 11111111112222222222333333333344 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901 1 CR RR -- ----- -- - -- ----- 1 2 DRR R --- --- ------ - --- - ------ 2 3 RRRRR ---- ------------- ------ ------- 3 4 RRRRR ----------------- ------- - ------- 4 5 RRRRR ----------------- --------- ------- 5 6 RRRR ----------------------------- ------ 6 7 RRR R------------------------------ ---- 7 8 RRRRR------------------^-^-------- ---- - 8 9 RRRRR-------------------^^------- ---- -- 9 10 RRRRR--------------------^^------------ - 10 11 RRRRU--------------------^------------ -- 11 12 RRRRR-------------^-- ------------------- 12 13 RRRRR-^^---------^^-- ------------------- 13 14 RRRRR^^^---------^---- ----^-----^^------ 14 15 RRRRR-^--- --------- ----^^^--^^^------ 15 16 RRRRR---- - ----- -----^^^^^^^------- 16 17 RRRRR---- ------ -----^^^^^--------- 17 18 RRRRR---- ----- -----^^----------- 18 19 RRRR --- - ---- ------------------ 19 20 RRR ------ - -- -------------- --- 20 11111111112222222222333333333344 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901 [YOSEMITE 55 : 5/137]: des 5,11 5,11 currently a 0% U (4% sample). New designation? c Designation changed. [YOSEMITE 55 : 5/137]: st (S>9 New designation? m Number of sectors to change (max= 18)? 18 18 sectors changed [YOSEMITE 55 : 5/137]: ana Sector Analysis YOSEMITE 55[#55] island Date: 384.69 Island size = 820, Land = 669 82%, Water = 111 14%, Mountains = 40 5% You own 93 sectors 11% of the island. 73 78% Rurals 1 1% Capitol 18 19% Mines, 0 usable 1 1% Dock/shipyard industries, 0 usable Total industries = 1, Usable = 0, Active = 0 Ore produced per update time unit: Potential = 106.9, Actual = 0.0 Excess ore per update time unit: Potential = 105.9, Actual = 0.0 [YOSEMITE 55 : 5/137]: v 11111111112222222222333333333344 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901 1 MR RR -- ----- -- - -- ----- 1 2 DRR M --- --- ------ - --- - ------ 2 3 RRRRR ---- ------------- ------ ------- 3 4 MRMRR ----------------- ------- - ------- 4 5 MRRMR ----------------- --------- ------- 5 6 RRRR ----------------------------- ------ 6 7 RRR R------------------------------ ---- 7 8 RRRRR------------------^-^-------- ---- - 8 9 MRRRR-------------------^^------- ---- -- 9 10 RRMRR--------------------^^------------ - 10 11 RRMRC--------------------^------------ -- 11 12 RRRMR-------------^-- ------------------- 12 13 MRRRR-^^---------^^-- ------------------- 13 14 MRRRR^^^---------^---- ----^-----^^------ 14 15 RMRMR-^--- --------- ----^^^--^^^------ 15 16 RMRRR---- - ----- -----^^^^^^^------- 16 17 RRRRR---- ------ -----^^^^^--------- 17 18 RRRMR---- ----- -----^^----------- 18 19 RRRM --- - ---- ------------------ 19 20 RMR ------ - -- -------------- --- 20 11111111112222222222333333333344 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901 [YOSEMITE 55 : 5/137]: des 3,1 [YOSEMITE 55 : 5/137]: d Designate sector (X,Y)? des 1,20 3,20 *** Expected two numeric values separated by a comma *** [YOSEMITE 55 : 5/137]: des 1,20 3,20 1,20 currently a 0% R (8% sample). New designation? d Designation changed. 3,20 currently a 0% R (2% sample). New designation? d Designation changed. [YOSEMITE 55 : 5/137]: des 3,17 3,17 currently a 0% R (1% sample). New designation? + Designation changed. [YOSEMITE 55 : 5/137]: des 3,5 3, 5 currently a 0% R (0% sample). New designation? + Designation changed. [YOSEMITE 55 : 5/137]: des 1,3 1, 3 currently a 0% R (5% sample). New designation? d Designation changed. [YOSEMITE 55 : 5/137]: des 1,19 1,19 currently a 0% R (2% sample). New designation? d Designation changed. [YOSEMITE 55 : 5/137]: ana Sector Analysis YOSEMITE 55[#55] island Date: 384.69 Island size = 820, Land = 669 82%, Water = 111 14%, Mountains = 40 5% You own 93 sectors 11% of the island. 67 72% Rurals 1 1% Capitol 18 19% Mines, 0 usable 5 5% Dock/shipyard industries, 0 usable 2 2% Airports (+) Total industries = 5, Usable = 0, Active = 0 Ore produced per update time unit: Potential = 106.9, Actual = 0.0 Excess ore per update time unit: Potential = 101.9, Actual = 0.0 [YOSEMITE 55 : 5/137]: st (d=r New designation? a Number of sectors to change (max= 67)? 2 2 sectors changed [YOSEMITE 55 : 5/137]: st (d=r New designation? e Number of sectors to change (max= 65)? 15 15 sectors changed [YOSEMITE 55 : 5/137]: st (d=r New designation? p Number of sectors to change (max= 50)? %100 50 sectors changed [YOSEMITE 55 : 5/137]: v 11111111112222222222333333333344 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901 1 MP PE -- ----- -- - -- ----- 1 2 DPP M --- --- ------ - --- - ------ 2 3 DEPPP ---- ------------- ------ ------- 3 4 MPMPP ----------------- ------- - ------- 4 5 MP+MP ----------------- --------- ------- 5 6 PPEE ----------------------------- ------ 6 7 PEP E------------------------------ ---- 7 8 PPPPP------------------^-^-------- ---- - 8 9 MPPPP-------------------^^------- ---- -- 9 10 EPMPP--------------------^^------------ - 10 11 PPMPC--------------------^------------ -- 11 12 PEAMP-------------^-- ------------------- 12 13 MPPEE-^^---------^^-- ------------------- 13 14 MPEPP^^^---------^---- ----^-----^^------ 14 15 PMPMP-^--- --------- ----^^^--^^^------ 15 16 PMPPP---- - ----- -----^^^^^^^------- 16 17 EP+PE---- ------ -----^^^^^--------- 17 18 PEPMA---- ----- -----^^----------- 18 19 DPEM --- - ---- ------------------ 19 20 DMD ------ - -- -------------- --- 20 11111111112222222222333333333344 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901 [YOSEMITE 55 : 5/137]: sh 21 Liner #21 docked on YOSEMITE 55[#55] island, sector 1,2 World coordinates 464,574 Fleet Civ Mil Gun Expl Eff Ftr Rust Ore Time ----- ---- ---- --- ---- --- --- ---- ----- ----- 95 4003 97 0 0 99 0 0 90.4 1.5 [YOSEMITE 55 : 5/137]: unl 21 YOSEMITE 55[#55] island, sector 1,2 Unloading what? c Quanity (Max=984)? 360 Unloading what? 0 [YOSEMITE 55 : 5/137]: up 50 Population growth 5634 [YOSEMITE 55 : 5/87]: load 21 YOSEMITE 55[#55] island, sector 1,2 Loading what? c Quanity (Max=999)? 620 Loading what? 0 [YOSEMITE 55 : 5/87]: up 49 Population growth 12182 [YOSEMITE 55 : 5/38]: load 21 YOSEMITE 55[#55] island, sector 1,2 Loading what? c Quanity (Max=999)? 899 Loading what? 0 [YOSEMITE 55 : 5/38]: gath c from c to sh 21 ti 1 Leaving 100 per sector 4837 civilians gathered, 1 time units used. [YOSEMITE 55 : 4/39]: t c Sector Des Civ Mil Art Explv Ore Eff Prod Smpl Auth Ftr Bmr 5,11 C 5162 0 0 0 0 99 0 4% [YOSEMITE 55 : 4/39]: enl Enlist in sector (X,Y)? 5,11 Number of persons (Maximum=5162)? 62 [YOSEMITE 55 : 4/39]: l103 Date: 384.70 [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 30/1]: fly From airport (X,Y or ?)? ? Select from one of the following sectors: Sector Fighters Bombers ------ -------- ------- 3, 5 10 3 20,14 0 1 From airport (X,Y or ?)? 3,5 Flying Fighters or Bombers (F/B)? 55 *** Expected FIGHTERS or BOMBERS *** Flying Fighters or Bombers (F/B)? 3,17 *** Expected FIGHTERS or BOMBERS *** Flying Fighters or Bombers (F/B)? 1 *** Expected FIGHTERS or BOMBERS *** Flying Fighters or Bombers (F/B)? b Island number? 55 Airport sector (X,Y)? 3,17 Number of bombers (Max=3)? 1 Mission accomplished. [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 30/1]: l55 Date: 384.72 [YOSEMITE 55 : 4/39]: radar head From sector (Default=3,17)? PARK RANGERS[7] Radar Report Date : 384.72 Island Name Location Size Dist Direc ------------------------------ -------- ---- ---- ----- 0 [AN UNDISCOVERED][#10] 480,677 57,24 89.1 171.0 0 YELLOWSTONE 30[#30] 398,540 59,16 35.4 343.6 6 [AN UNDISCOVERED][#36] 537,600 29,19 71.8 98.8 5 YOSEMITE 55[#55] 464,573 41,20 0.0 0.0 8 [AN UNDISCOVERED][#58] 548,626 29,21 90.0 114.3 3 [AN UNDISCOVERED][#83] 463,660 12,42 71.0 180.0 8 [AN UNDISCOVERED][#88] 370,668 55,15 89.5 208.0 3 PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] 474,491 51,17 82.4 5.6 6 BIG BEND 106[#106] 390,497 32,12 92.7 330.9 2 TRAIL OF TEARS 142[#142] 448,602 43,15 13.0 180.0 1 NON 151[#151] 389,632 37,11 59.4 223.6 5 ISLAND 155[#155] 401,562 14,20 52.6 278.7 8 THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198[#198] 559,536 10,18 99.7 68.8 Nation Name Ship Type Location Sp Hdg Disp ------------------------------ ---------------- -------- -- --- ------- A PARK RANGERS[7] Liner #21 464,574 Docked B PARK RANGERS[7] Liner #22 558,554 C PARK RANGERS[7] Ferry #34 515,507 D PARK RANGERS[7] Submarine #51 542,559 25 150 Moving ! 333 66 !333333333 666 !33 3333C ! ! 00000000000 ! 00000000000 ! 05500000000 ! D B 555 5555555 555 A555555 -- - -- - - -- -+555555- - - -- - 22222222 666666 22222222 666666 2 222222 66666 1111111 ! 888 1111111 ! 88 ! 8 333 8888 333 888 3330000000 3330000 [YOSEMITE 55 : 4/39]: sea Liner @464,574 [Liner #21:95 1.4]: sh 21 Liner #21 docked on YOSEMITE 55[#55] island, sector 1,2 World coordinates 464,574 Fleet Civ Mil Gun Expl Eff Ftr Rust Ore Time ----- ---- ---- --- ---- --- --- ---- ----- ----- 95 9999 97 0 0 99 0 0 90.4 1.5 [Liner #21:95 1.4]: l Date: 384.72 [YOSEMITE 55 : 4/39]: up 10 Population growth 3139 Ore supply 1069, demand for ore 720. 72 industries operating at 100% of capacity. Excess ore per industry 4. [YOSEMITE 55 : 4/29]: gath o to sh 21 ti 1 9 ore gathered. [YOSEMITE 55 : 4/29]: sea 21 Liner @464,574 [Liner #21:95 1.4]: sa Liner #21 @464,574 docked on YOSEMITE 55[#55] island, sector 1,2 To terminate enter // [464,574] Direction? u Undocking [Liner #21:95 0.4]: // *** Unknown command, for a list enter COMMANDS *** [Liner #21:95 0.4]: l142 Date: 384.73 [TRAIL OF TEARS 142 : 99/43]: v 1111111111222222222233333333334444 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 1 -----^-^^^^-D-^^^-- ------ --- -- ------ 1 2 ----^^^^^^^-C^^---^^- --^-- --- --- ----- 2 3 --^^-^---- -^^---^^^- ----- ------------ 3 4 -^^^ -- ^-^^^^^^ ----- ----------- 4 5 ^^^-- - --^^^^^-- -- ------------ 5 6 ^^-- -^^^---^^-- -------------- 6 7 ^-- -^^^---^^^---------------- 7 8 ^-- --^^-- ------------------- 8 9 -- ---- ------------------ 9 10 -- - -- ----------------- 10 11 -- ------ ---------------- 11 12 --- -- -- --------------- 12 13 - - -- -- ----^--------- 13 14 - --- -- --^^--------- 14 15 -- -- -- --^--------- 15 1111111111222222222233333333334444 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 [TRAIL OF TEARS 142 : 99/43]: sea Liner @463,574 [Liner #21:95 0.4]: i 142 Island Index Date: 384.73 Island Name Location Size Flags Naming Nation ------------------------ -------- ---- ----- ----------------------------- 142 TRAIL OF TEARS 142 448,602 43,15 O PARK RANGERS[7] Flags: O = Occupied, V = Visited, R = Released. [Liner #21:95 0.4]: course Destination (X,Y)? 448,601 Speed (Default=15)? Destination = 448,601 TRAIL OF TEARS 142[#142] @1,0 Distance = 30.9, Direction = 209.1, Speed = 15 Fuel required = 3.1, Supply on ship = 98.9 Starting date = 384.73, ETA = 414.15 Set course (Default=YES)? Course set. [Liner #21:95 0.4]: mai r [375.38] Submarine #11:96 arrived at [AN UNDISCOVERED][#22] sector 38,33 [375.38] Liner #19:98 arrived at SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231[#231] sector 1,9 [375.38] Ferry #34:403 arrived at PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] sector 42,17 [382.52] Liner #20:96 arrived at BIG BEND 106[#106] sector 32,0 [382.52] Liner #21:95 arrived at YOSEMITE 55[#55] sector 0,2 [382.52] Liner #22:93 arrived at 558,554 [Liner #21:95 0.4]: sea 22 Liner @558,554 [Liner #22:93 7.0]: v Location: 558,554 THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198[#198] sector 0,19 Sea Sea Water 557 558 1,18 553 553 Sea Sea Sea 557 558 559 554 554 554 Sea Sea Sea 557 558 559 555 555 555 [Liner #22:93 7.0]: l198 Date: 384.73 [THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198 : 15/28]: v 1 1234567890 1 PE^^---- 1 2 PP^^---- 2 3 PP^^^^--- 3 4 P^^^^C--- 4 5 PEPMPMPPD 5 6 DPPPMEP PP 6 7 PEP PPMM P 7 8 PPP PPP P 8 9 PPPE PPPP 9 10 MPMPP PEPM 10 11 PMEPP EP 11 12 PP PM E 12 13 EEPA PE A 13 14 PPPE P D 14 15 MMEPM 15 16 P+PE 16 17 PMP - 17 18 DD 18 1 1234567890 [THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198 : 15/28]: sea Liner @558,554 [Liner #22:93 7.0]: i 36 Island Index Date: 384.73 Island Name Location Size Flags Naming Nation ------------------------ -------- ---- ----- ----------------------------- 36 [AN UNDISCOVERED] 537,600 29,19 Flags: O = Occupied, V = Visited, R = Released. [Liner #22:93 7.0]: course Destination (X,Y)? 565,599 Speed (Default=15)? Destination = 565,599 [AN UNDISCOVERED][#36] @29,0 Distance = 45.5, Direction = 171.2, Speed = 15 Fuel required = 4.6, Supply on ship = 90.9 Starting date = 384.73, ETA = 428.11 Use how much time (Default=7.1)? Leaving inland waters Destination = 565,599 [AN UNDISCOVERED][#36] @29,0 Distance = 38.5, Direction = 171.0, Speed = 15 Fuel required = 3.8, Supply on ship = 90.2 Starting date = 384.73, ETA = 421.37 Set course (Default=YES)? Course set. [Liner #22:93 0.0]: sh fer PARK RANGERS[7] Ship Report Date: 384.73 Num:Fl Style Position Civ Mil Art Expl Ftr Fuel % Time Destination -------- ------------ ------- ---- ---- --- ---- --- ----- -- ---- ------------ 34:403 Ferry 515,507 365 45 0 0 0 42.8 99 23.1 #103 [Liner #22:93 0.0]: sea 34 Ferry @515,507 [Ferry #34:403 23.1]: v m Location: 515,507 PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] sector 42,17 MEPEPA PEEEM - PMPME P PEP MEPE - MDD. [Ferry #34:403 23.1]: sa Ferry #34 @515,507 in PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] interior waters, sector 42,17 To terminate enter // [515,507] Direction? 45 Distance (Max=23)? 3 [517,505] Direction? 0 Distance (Max=20)? 5 Docked at sector 44,13 [517,503] Direction? // [Ferry #34:403 18.3]: assa PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103], sector 44,13 [ Unowned ] 0% R, 0 military Expected victory casualties : 0 Number of persons in the assault (Max=45)? 1 You have won, casualties 0, enemy losses 0 [Ferry #34:403 18.3]: unl PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] island, sector 44,13 Unloading what? c Quanity (Max=365)? 15 Unloading what? 0 [Ferry #34:403 18.3]: sa Ferry #34 @517,503 docked on PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] island, sector 44,13 To terminate enter // [517,503] Direction? u Undocking [517,504] Direction? v m Location: 517,504 PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] sector 44,14 ^^^-- ^^^^--- ^^+^^- EPEPA EEM D MPME . PEP EPE MDD [517,504] Direction? v m 10 Location: 517,504 PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] sector 44,14 ---- -^^--- - ---- -^^------ ---^--^^----- P^^^--^^---- E^^^^^^^---- E-^^^^^^-- A--^^^^^^--- MPMEM^^+^^- --- MEPEPA - -- PEEEM D --- PMPME . -- P PEP --- MEPE ---- MDD [517,504] Direction? 45 Distance (Max=17)? 3 [519,502] Direction? 90 Distance (Max=14)? 8 Docked at sector 51,12 [524,502] Direction? // [Ferry #34:403 9.5]: assa PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103], sector 51,12 [ Unowned ] 0% R, 0 military Expected victory casualties : 0 Number of persons in the assault (Max=44)? 1 You have won, casualties 0, enemy losses 0 [Ferry #34:403 9.5]: unl PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] island, sector 51,12 Unloading what? c Quanity (Max=350)? 15 Unloading what? 0 [Ferry #34:403 9.5]: sa Ferry #34 @524,502 docked on PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] island, sector 51,12 To terminate enter // [524,502] Direction? u Undocking [523,502] Direction? v m Location: 523,502 PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] sector 50,12 - - - .D [523,502] Direction? 0 Distance (Max=8)? 8 [Ferry #34:403 0.5]: v m 10 Location: 523,494 PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] sector 50,4 --^--- - -- --^^ -- -^^- ---- ^^--- - . ^^------ ^^----- ^^---- ^^---- ^^-- ^^^--- ^+^^- PEPA D EM D PME [Ferry #34:403 0.5]: v Location: 523,494 PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] sector 50,4 [ 0] [ 0] Water 0%R 0%R 51, 3 0M 0M Water Water Water 49, 4 50, 4 51, 4 Water Water Water 49, 5 50, 5 51, 5 [Ferry #34:403 0.5]: course Destination (X,Y)? 524,493 Speed (Default=24)? Destination = 524,493 PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] @51,3 Distance = 1.4, Direction = 45.0, Speed = 24 Fuel required = 0.1, Supply on ship = 40.5 Starting date = 384.77, ETA = 385.61 Set course (Default=YES)? Course set. [Ferry #34:403 0.5]: swh *** Unknown command, for a list enter COMMANDS *** [Ferry #34:403 0.5]: sh da PARK RANGERS[7] Ship Report Date: 384.77 Num:Fl Style Position Fuel % Time Destination Hdg Spd Dist Arrive -------- ------------ ------- ----- -- ---- ------------ --- --- ----- ------- 11: 96 Submarine 370,462 60.4 99 0.6 300,500 241 25 79.6 430.28 19: 98 Liner 465,428 92.6 99 0.2 434,388 #56 322 15 50.6 432.96 20: 96 Liner 420,496 90.2 99 0.7 348,454 #22 300 15 83.4 464.15 21: 95 Liner 463,574 98.9 99 0.5 448,601 #142 209 15 30.9 414.18 22: 93 Liner 559,561 90.2 99 0.0 565,599 #36 171 15 38.5 421.40 34:403 Ferry 523,494 40.5 99 0.5 524,493 #103 45 24 1.4 385.61 50: 91 Liner 533,460 94.9 99 3.2 568,417 #47 39 15 55.4 437.57 51: 93 Submarine 542,559 67.8 99 3.9 565,599 #36 150 25 46.1 411.13 52: 91 Submarine 521,463 70.3 99 3.8 568,438 #47 61 25 53.2 415.19 53: 97 Submarine 437,464 67.9 99 3.6 436,463 #183 315 25 1.4 385.57 [Ferry #34:403 0.5]: sea 53 Ship is moving...Submarine #53:97 arrived at BLISSVILLE[#183] sector 11,10 Submarine @436,463 [Submarine #53:97 2.2]: v Location: 436,463 BLISSVILLE[#183] sector 11,10 Water Water Water 10, 9 11, 9 12, 9 Sea Sea Sea 435 436 437 463 463 463 Sea Sea Sea 435 436 437 464 464 464 [Submarine #53:97 2.2]: v m Location: 436,463 BLISSVILLE[#183] sector 11,10 ???? ???? ??? ??? ??? . [Submarine #53:97 2.2]: sa Submarine #53 @436,463 in BLISSVILLE[#183] coastal waters, sector 11,10 To terminate enter // [436,463] Direction? 270 Distance (Max=2)? 2 [Submarine #53:97 0.2]: v Location: 434,463 BLISSVILLE[#183] sector 9,10 [ 0] Water Water 0%R 9, 9 10, 9 0M Sea Sea Sea 433 434 435 463 463 463 Sea Sea Sea 433 434 435 464 464 464 [Submarine #53:97 0.2]: course Destination (X,Y)? 433,463 Speed (Default=25)? Destination = 433,463 BLISSVILLE[#183] @8,10 Distance = 1.0, Direction = 270.0, Speed = 25 Fuel required = 0.1, Supply on ship = 67.6 Starting date = 384.78, ETA = 385.35 Set course (Default=YES)? Course set. [Submarine #53:97 0.2]: sh da PARK RANGERS[7] Ship Report Date: 384.78 Num:Fl Style Position Fuel % Time Destination Hdg Spd Dist Arrive -------- ------------ ------- ----- -- ---- ------------ --- --- ----- ------- 11: 96 Submarine 370,462 60.4 99 0.6 300,500 241 25 79.6 430.30 19: 98 Liner 465,428 92.6 99 0.2 434,388 #56 322 15 50.6 432.98 20: 96 Liner 420,496 90.2 99 0.7 348,454 #22 300 15 83.4 464.17 21: 95 Liner 463,574 98.9 99 0.5 448,601 #142 209 15 30.9 414.20 22: 93 Liner 559,561 90.2 99 0.0 565,599 #36 171 15 38.5 421.42 34:403 Ferry 523,494 40.5 99 0.5 524,493 #103 45 24 1.4 385.62 50: 91 Liner 533,460 94.9 99 3.2 568,417 #47 39 15 55.4 437.58 51: 93 Submarine 542,559 67.8 99 3.9 565,599 #36 150 25 46.1 411.15 52: 91 Submarine 521,463 70.3 99 3.8 568,438 #47 61 25 53.2 415.20 53: 97 Submarine 434,463 67.6 99 0.2 433,463 #183 270 25 1.0 385.35 [Submarine #53:97 0.2]: l103 Date: 384.78 [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 30/1]: v 111111111122222222223333333333444444444455 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 1 DMD ------- DMD DMDDD --- ---^--- - -- 1 2 EEE --- --- ---EEM--- ---- ---^^ -- 2 3 PPM ---- ---- -M---- ---- ---^^- ---- 3 4 DD EM -- ----- EM-- - ---- -^^--- - 4 5 DD+PE MEMP -- ---- A--- ----- -^^------ 5 6 E^MPMEPMEMEP - --- EPEPE----^--^^----- 6 7 MEMEMPE^E EPE -- ---MM(MEEP^^^--^^---- 7 8 E MM PEMPP ------^^^^-M--E^^^^^^^---- 8 9 EP^EEA ----^^^^^-E -E-^^^^^^-- 9 10 PP PEEPM ----^^^^^^^E -A--^^^^^^--- 10 11 P PME - --^^^^^^^^M- MPMEM^^+^^- 11 12 EE^CM-- -^^^^^^^^A- --- MEPEPA D 12 13 PMM^----^^^^^PMP --- PEEEM D 13 14 MMP+APEEM-EEE ----- PMPME 14 15 EEPME M A-E- ------ P PEP 15 16 EEEPEE EP-P- ------- MEPE 16 17 PPP DMDDD DDMD --------- MDD 17 111111111122222222223333333333444444444455 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 30/1]: des 51,12 44,13 44,13 currently a 0% D (64% sample). New designation? m Designation changed. 51,12 currently a 0% D (6% sample). New designation? p Designation changed. [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 30/1]: t (d=d pr>149) Sector Des Civ Mil Art Explv Ore Eff Prod Smpl Auth Ftr Bmr 25,17 D 999 0 0 0 68 99 150 6% None [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 30/1]: nav Navies of the World Date: 384.80 Rank Ships Power Nation's Name ---- ----- -------- ----------------------------- 1. 21 17671 MOUNTAINIA[2] 2. 10 9103 PARK RANGERS[7] 3. 10 7462 TYLAND[4] 4. 5 2561 SYSOP[1] 5. 2 1882 THINK[8] 6. 3 866 BLACK CO[9] 7. 2 202 MEAN MUSTARD MEN[21] 8. 2 201 SABASTIAN[19] 9. 1 200 BLISSTONIA[20] 10. 1 124 NORCO[11] 11. 1 106 ELBONIA[17] 12. 1 106 LOVEOMLET[26] 13. 1 105 IBIN[25] 14. 1 101 ARMAGEDDON[3] 15. 1 101 TYRIAN[12] 16. 1 101 BORG[16] [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 30/1]: radar head From sector (Default=3,5)? PARK RANGERS[7] Radar Report Date : 384.80 Island Name Location Size Dist Direc ------------------------------ -------- ---- ---- ----- 0 YELLOWSTONE 30[#30] 398,540 59,16 49.2 204.0 5 YOSEMITE 55[#55] 464,573 41,20 78.0 180.0 3 PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] 474,491 51,17 0.0 0.0 6 BIG BEND 106[#106] 390,497 32,12 55.0 267.9 5 ISLAND 155[#155] 401,562 14,20 91.3 222.8 3 BLISSVILLE[#183] 426,454 27, 9 40.8 324.0 8 THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198[#198] 559,536 10,18 92.6 116.3 4 ALCATRAZ 224[#224] 475,452 20,19 25.0 0.0 1 SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231[#231] 473,429 24, 9 58.0 0.0 2 PETROGLYPH MONUMENT 232[#232] 469,482 12, 3 11.0 0.0 Nation Name Ship Type Location Sp Hdg Disp ------------------------------ ---------------- -------- -- --- ------- A PARK RANGERS[7] Liner #19 465,428 15 322 Moving B PARK RANGERS[7] Liner #20 420,496 15 300 Moving C PARK RANGERS[7] Liner #21 463,574 15 209 Moving D PARK RANGERS[7] Ferry #34 523,494 24 45 Moving E PARK RANGERS[7] Liner #50 533,460 15 39 Moving F PARK RANGERS[7] Submarine #51 542,559 25 150 Moving G PARK RANGERS[7] Submarine #52 521,463 25 61 Moving H PARK RANGERS[7] Submarine #53 434,463 25 270 Moving I BLISSTONIA[20] Ferry #65 434,459 Docked ! ! A 1111 11111 ! 3I333 444 3H 33 4444 G E ! 44 222 -66666B6- - -- -+3333333D- - -- - 6666666 333333333 ! ! ! 88 00000000000 ! 88 00000000000 ! F 555 ! 5 C5555555 55555555 55!55555 [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 30/1]: t + Sector Des Civ Mil Art Explv Ore Eff Prod Smpl Auth Ftr Bmr 3, 5 + 91 0 0 0 0 99 0 8% None 10 2 20,14 + 933 0 0 0 0 99 0 1% None 0 1 41,11 + 78 0 0 0 0 99 0 3% None 0 0 [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 30/1]: radar head From sector (Default=3,5)? 20,14 PARK RANGERS[7] Radar Report Date : 384.80 Island Name Location Size Dist Direc ------------------------------ -------- ---- ---- ----- 0 YELLOWSTONE 30[#30] 398,540 59,16 51.6 225.8 2 SYSOP 42[#42] 589,451 16,53 96.0 89.4 5 YOSEMITE 55[#55] 464,573 41,20 69.0 180.0 3 PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] 474,491 51,17 0.0 0.0 6 BIG BEND 106[#106] 390,497 32,12 72.0 270.0 2 TRAIL OF TEARS 142[#142] 448,602 43,15 98.0 181.8 5 ISLAND 155[#155] 401,562 14,20 98.0 233.7 3 BLISSVILLE[#183] 426,454 27, 9 58.7 315.7 8 THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198[#198] 559,536 10,18 73.3 115.9 4 ALCATRAZ 224[#224] 475,452 20,19 34.0 0.0 1 SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231[#231] 473,429 24, 9 67.0 0.0 2 PETROGLYPH MONUMENT 232[#232] 469,482 12, 3 23.9 327.0 Nation Name Ship Type Location Sp Hdg Disp ------------------------------ ---------------- -------- -- --- ------- A PARK RANGERS[7] Liner #19 465,428 15 322 Moving B PARK RANGERS[7] Liner #20 420,496 15 300 Moving C PARK RANGERS[7] Liner #21 463,574 15 209 Moving D PARK RANGERS[7] Liner #22 559,561 15 171 Moving E PARK RANGERS[7] Ferry #34 523,494 24 45 Moving F PARK RANGERS[7] Liner #50 533,460 15 39 Moving G PARK RANGERS[7] Submarine #51 542,559 25 150 Moving H PARK RANGERS[7] Submarine #52 521,463 25 61 Moving I PARK RANGERS[7] Submarine #53 434,463 25 270 Moving J SYSOP[1] Liner #57 588,482 K SYSOP[1] Liner #58 588,491 15 0 Moving L SYSOP[1] Liner #59 588,477 15 0 Moving M SYSOP[1] Submarine #60 576,487 K SYSOP[1] Barge #61 590,491 I BLISSTONIA[20] Ferry #65 434,459 Docked ! A ! 11111 ! 33333 444! 3I 33 4444 H F 44 L 222 ! M J2 66666B 33333333E K2 666666- - -- -333+33333- - -- - -22 ! ! ! 888 0000000000 ! 888 0000000000 ! 888 ! G D C5555555 55555555 55555555 222! [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 30/1]: l198 EMPIRECLASSIC:hello player.empire5 HP3000 Release: C.60.00 User Version: C.60.02 THU, AUG 29, 2002, 10:16 AM MPE/iX HP31900 C.16.01 Copyright Hewlett-Packard 1987. All rights reserved. ************************************************************** * Welcome to the HP3000 at hp3000.empireclassic.com * ************************************************************** * A NEW HP friendly terminal emulator can be obtained at: * * http://aics-research.com/qcterm/ Dated 11 JUL 2002 * ************************************************************** * EMPIRE1 started 28 JUL 2002 expires 02 SEP 2002 * * EMPIRE2 started 25 JUL 2002 expires 13 SEP 2002 * * EMPIRE3 started 18 JUN 2002 expires 05 JAN 2003 * * EMPIRE4 started 11 JUN 2002 expires 05 JAN 2003 * * EMPIRE5 started 02 AUG 2002 expires 02 AUG 2003 * ************************************************************** EMPIRE 3.52 August 10, 2002 - (c) 1984-2002 Ben Norton and Friends Your Nations Name or Number? 7 Password? Date: 384.81 [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 30/1]: l198 Date: 384.81 [THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198 : 15/28]: v 1 1234567890 1 PE^^---- 1 2 PP^^---- 2 3 PP^^^^--- 3 4 P^^^^C--- 4 5 PEPMPMPPD 5 6 DPPPMEP PP 6 7 PEP PPMM P 7 8 PPP PPP P 8 9 PPPE PPPP 9 10 MPMPP PEPM 10 11 PMEPP EP 11 12 PP PM E 12 13 EEPA PE A 13 14 PPPE P D 14 15 MMEPM 15 16 P+PE 16 17 PMP - 17 18 DD 18 1 1234567890 [THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198 : 15/28]: t c Sector Des Civ Mil Art Explv Ore Eff Prod Smpl Auth Ftr Bmr 7, 4 C 1144 0 0 0 0 99 0 6% [THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198 : 15/28]: spr Spread civilians in region (LowX,LowY,HighX,HighY)? 1,1,10,18 Take civilians from sector (X,Y)? 7,4 Spread across mountains (Y/N)? n Spread in owned sectors also (Y/N)? n The spread would be across 15 sectors Number of civilians per sector (Max=76)? 30 Place extra 694 civilians in sector (X,Y)? 7,4 The spread used 14 time units. [THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198 : 1/42]: v 1 1234567890 1 PE^^RRRR 1 2 PP^^RRRR 2 3 PP^^^^RRR 3 4 P^^^^CRRR 4 5 PEPMPMPPD 5 6 DPPPMEP PP 6 7 PEP PPMM P 7 8 PPP PPP P 8 9 PPPE PPPP 9 10 MPMPP PEPM 10 11 PMEPP EP 11 12 PP PM E 12 13 EEPA PE A 13 14 PPPE P D 14 15 MMEPM 15 16 P+PE 16 17 PMP - 17 18 DD 18 1 1234567890 [THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198 : 1/42]: st (S>9 New designation? m Number of sectors to change (max= 4)? 4 4 sectors changed [THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198 : 1/42]: ana Sector Analysis THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198[#198] island Date: 384.84 Island size = 180, Land = 112 62%, Water = 56 31%, Mountains = 12 7% You own 111 sectors 62% of the island. 10 9% Rurals 1 1% Capitol 18 16% Mines, 14 usable 15 14% Explosive plants, 15 usable 2 2% Artillery industries, 2 usable 5 5% Dock/shipyard industries, 5 usable 59 53% Plane industries, 59 usable 1 1% Airports (+) Total industries = 81, Usable = 81, Active = 0 Ore produced per update time unit: Potential = 125.0, Actual = 96.7 Excess ore per update time unit: Potential = 44.0, Actual = 15.7 [THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198 : 1/42]: v 1 1234567890 1 PE^^RRRM 1 2 PP^^RRRR 2 3 PP^^^^MMR 3 4 P^^^^CMRR 4 5 PEPMPMPPD 5 6 DPPPMEP PP 6 7 PEP PPMM P 7 8 PPP PPP P 8 9 PPPE PPPP 9 10 MPMPP PEPM 10 11 PMEPP EP 11 12 PP PM E 12 13 EEPA PE A 13 14 PPPE P D 14 15 MMEPM 15 16 P+PE 16 17 PMP - 17 18 DD 18 1 1234567890 [THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198 : 1/42]: des 9,2 9, 2 currently a 0% R (9% sample). New designation? + Designation changed. [THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198 : 1/42]: des 9,1 10,2 9, 1 currently a 0% R (8% sample). New designation? d Designation changed. 10, 2 currently a 0% R (8% sample). New designation? d Designation changed. [THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198 : 1/42]: ana Sector Analysis THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198[#198] island Date: 384.84 Island size = 180, Land = 112 62%, Water = 56 31%, Mountains = 12 7% You own 111 sectors 62% of the island. 7 6% Rurals 1 1% Capitol 18 16% Mines, 14 usable 15 14% Explosive plants, 15 usable 2 2% Artillery industries, 2 usable 7 6% Dock/shipyard industries, 5 usable 59 53% Plane industries, 59 usable 2 2% Airports (+) Total industries = 83, Usable = 81, Active = 0 Ore produced per update time unit: Potential = 125.0, Actual = 96.7 Excess ore per update time unit: Potential = 42.0, Actual = 15.7 [THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198 : 1/42]: st (d=r New designation? a Number of sectors to change (max= 7)? 1 1 sectors changed [THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198 : 1/42]: st (d=r New designation? e Number of sectors to change (max= 6)? 6 6 sectors changed [THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198 : 1/42]: st (d=r *** No changeable sectors fit criteria *** [THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198 : 1/42]: p Send to nation number? %100 *** Expected a numeric value from 1 to 255 *** Send to nation number? // [THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198 : 1/42]: t + Sector Des Civ Mil Art Explv Ore Eff Prod Smpl Auth Ftr Bmr 4,16 + 105 0 0 0 0 99 0 9% None 0 1 9, 2 + 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 9% None 0 0 [THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198 : 1/42]: radar head From sector (Default=4,16)? PARK RANGERS[7] Radar Report Date : 384.86 Island Name Location Size Dist Direc ------------------------------ -------- ---- ---- ----- 6 [AN UNDISCOVERED][#36] 537,600 29,19 49.0 180.0 2 SYSOP 42[#42] 589,451 16,53 55.1 29.4 5 YOSEMITE 55[#55] 464,573 41,20 62.0 249.2 8 [AN UNDISCOVERED][#58] 548,626 29,21 75.0 180.0 0 NORCO 90[#90] 593,613 28,24 69.3 153.4 3 PARK HEADQUARTERS 103[#103] 474,491 51,17 58.1 319.2 0 [AN UNDISCOVERED][#110] 655,545 41,15 93.0 90.0 2 TRAIL OF TEARS 142[#142] 448,602 43,15 88.2 234.7 8 THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198[#198] 559,536 10,18 0.0 0.0 3 [AN UNDISCOVERED][#253] 609,559 13,23 47.7 99.7 Nation Name Ship Type Location Sp Hdg Disp ------------------------------ ---------------- -------- -- --- ------- A PARK RANGERS[7] Liner #22 559,561 15 171 Moving B PARK RANGERS[7] Ferry #34 523,494 24 45 Moving C PARK RANGERS[7] Liner #50 533,460 15 39 Moving D PARK RANGERS[7] Submarine #51 542,559 25 150 Moving E PARK RANGERS[7] Submarine #52 521,463 25 61 Moving F SYSOP[1] Liner #57 588,482 G SYSOP[1] Liner #58 588,491 15 0 Moving F SYSOP[1] Liner #59 588,477 15 0 Moving H SYSOP[1] Submarine #60 576,487 I SYSOP[1] Barge #61 590,491 J NORCO[11] PT Boat #69 634,615 40 90 Moving E C ! 222 ! 222 ! F222 3333333B3 ! H GI22 333333333 ! 222 3 33333 ! ! ! 888 00 - - -- - - -- -8+8 - -- - - -- -00 D A! 333 0 5555555 ! 333 5555555 ! 333 5555555 ! 222 666666 222 666666 000000 J 22 666666 000000 88888 000000 88888 00000 88888 [THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198 : 1/42]: i i Island Index Date: 384.86 Island Name Location Size Flags Naming Nation ------------------------ -------- ---- ----- ----------------------------- 1 [AN UNDISCOVERED] 374,382 41,33 10 [AN UNDISCOVERED] 480,677 57,24 22 OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22 348,422 38,32 O PARK RANGERS[7] 30 YELLOWSTONE 30 398,540 59,16 O PARK RANGERS[7] 34 ISLAND 34 150,745 25,34 TYRIAN[12] 36 [AN UNDISCOVERED] 537,600 29,19 42 SYSOP 42 589,451 16,53 SYSOP[1] 44 ISLAND 44 139,801 43,14 TYRIAN[12] 47 [AN UNDISCOVERED] 569,416 37,22 55 YOSEMITE 55 464,573 41,20 O PARK RANGERS[7] 56 [AN UNDISCOVERED] 432,368 24,20 58 [AN UNDISCOVERED] 548,626 29,21 83 [AN UNDISCOVERED] 463,660 12,42 88 [AN UNDISCOVERED] 370,668 55,15 90 NORCO 90 593,613 28,24 NORCO[11] 103 PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 474,491 51,17 O R PARK RANGERS[7] 105 MT 005 28,632 45,20 MOUNTAINIA[2] 106 BIG BEND 106 390,497 32,12 O PARK RANGERS[7] 110 [AN UNDISCOVERED] 655,545 41,15 138 ISLAND 138 330,543 42,14 ARMAGEDDON[3] 142 TRAIL OF TEARS 142 448,602 43,15 O PARK RANGERS[7] 151 NON 151 389,632 37,11 NON[24] 155 ISLAND 155 401,562 14,20 ARMAGEDDON[3] 183 BLISSVILLE 426,454 27, 9 BLISSTONIA[20] 198 THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198 559,536 10,18 O PARK RANGERS[7] 205 ISLAND 205 184,778 23, 7 TYRIAN[12] 224 ALCATRAZ 224 475,452 20,19 O PARK RANGERS[7] 231 SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 473,429 24, 9 O PARK RANGERS[7] 232 PETROGLYPH MONUMENT 232 469,482 12, 3 O PARK RANGERS[7] 253 [AN UNDISCOVERED] 609,559 13,23 Flags: O = Occupied, V = Visited, R = Released. [THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198 : 1/42]: t d Sector Des Civ Mil Art Explv Ore Eff Prod Smpl Auth Ftr Bmr 1, 6 D 100 1 0 0 0 99 0 9% None 3,18 D 105 0 0 0 0 99 0 3% None 4,18 D 105 0 0 0 0 99 0 6% None 9, 1 D 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 8% None 10, 2 D 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 8% None 10, 5 D 105 0 0 0 0 99 0 5% None 10,14 D 105 0 0 0 0 99 0 9% None [THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198 : 1/42]: exit CPU=3. Connect=5. THU, AUG 29, 2002, 10:21 AM.