Team Floogle
Empire Classic > Floogle May 3, 2003

Team Floogle is a team converting the HP3000 Pascal to C and C++. This will allow EmpireClassic to be executed on Linux and Windows platforms.

The Team:

Chas Douglass Team Leader, Lead programmer, Floogle proprieter
Ben Norton Designer, has-been programmer
Ty Norton Forum, IRC, Bugzilla Admin, emerging C programmer
Mike Beach Established programmer
Geary Eppley ECC (Empire Classic Client) author and integrator
Patrick Corrigan Potential PHP,C programmer

Development CVS is being maintained on For an account contact Chas.

Intra-team communications will be via IM (being set up) and
There is also an IRC channel - #empire on

The test server is accessible via TELNET at (ID=empire, password=empire).

Bugs should be reported at

Empire Classic > Floogle May 3, 2003