EMPIRECLASSIC:hello player.empire5 HP3000 Release: C.60.00 User Version: C.60.02 MON, SEP 9, 2002, 7:59 AM MPE/iX HP31900 C.16.01 Copyright Hewlett-Packard 1987. All rights reserved. ************************************************************** * Welcome to the HP3000 at hp3000.empireclassic.com * ************************************************************** * A NEW HP friendly terminal emulator can be obtained at: * * http://aics-research.com/qcterm/ Dated 11 JUL 2002 * ************************************************************** * EMPIRE1 started 04 SEP 2002 expires 09 OCT 2002 * * EMPIRE2 started 25 JUL 2002 expires 13 SEP 2002 * * EMPIRE3 started 27 AUG 2002 expires 15 MAR 2003 * * EMPIRE4 started 11 JUN 2002 expires 05 JAN 2003 * * EMPIRE5 started 02 AUG 2002 expires 02 AUG 2003 * ************************************************************** EMPIRE 3.52 August 10, 2002 - (c) 1984-2002 Ben Norton and Friends Your Nations Name or Number? 7 Password? Date: 540.61 [ Mail call ] [532.52] Liner #19:97 arrived at LITTLE BIGHORN 161[#161] sector 10,1 [532.52] Submarine #53:97 arrived at 327,273 [539.66] Submarine #11:96 arrived at ISLAND 65[#65] sector 4,0 [539.66] Submarine #86:94 arrived at [AN UNDISCOVERED][#107] sector 36,0 [PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 : 60/2]: sea 19 Liner @351,354 [Liner #19:97 13.2]: v Location: 351,354 LITTLE BIGHORN 161[#161] sector 10,1 Sea Sea Sea 350 351 352 353 353 353 [ 0] Sea Sea 0%R 351 352 0M 354 354 [ 0] Sea Sea 0%R 351 352 0M 355 355 [Liner #19:97 13.2]: sa Liner #19 @351,354 in LITTLE BIGHORN 161[#161] coastal waters, sector 10,1 To terminate enter // [351,354] Direction? 270 Distance (Max=13)? 1 Docked at sector 9,1 [350,354] Direction? // [Liner #19:97 12.2]: assa LITTLE BIGHORN 161[#161], sector 9,1 [ Unowned ] 0% R, 0 military Expected victory casualties : 0 Number of persons in the assault (Max=93)? 1 You have won, casualties 0, enemy losses 0 [Liner #19:97 12.2]: unl LITTLE BIGHORN 161[#161] island, sector 9,1 Unloading what? c Quanity (Max=999)? 999 Unloading what? 0- *** Expected C, M, O, A, E, ? or // *** Unloading what? 0 [Liner #19:97 12.2]: l161 Date: 540.61 [LITTLE BIGHORN 161 : 70/0]: v 123456789 1 -- - --D 1 2 --------- 2 3 -------- 3 4 --------- 4 5 ---^^---- 5 6 ---^^^^-- 6 7 ---^^^^-- 7 8 ---^^^^-- 8 9 --^^^^-- 9 10 --^^^^^-- 10 11 ---^^^-- 11 12 --^^^^-- 12 13 ----^^--C 13 14 - - - 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 123456789 [LITTLE BIGHORN 161 : 70/0]: sea Liner @350,354 [Liner #19:97 12.2]: sh 19 Liner #19 docked on LITTLE BIGHORN 161[#161] island, sector 9,1 World coordinates 350,354 Fleet Civ Mil Gun Expl Eff Ftr Rust Ore Time ----- ---- ---- --- ---- --- --- ---- ----- ----- 97 4614 92 0 0 99 0 0 77.5 12.3 [Liner #19:97 12.2]: l Date: 540.61 [LITTLE BIGHORN 161 : 70/0]: spr Spread civilians in region (LowX,LowY,HighX,HighY)? 1,1,9,19\ Take civilians from sector (X,Y)? 9,1 Spread across mountains (Y/N)? n Spread in owned sectors also (Y/N)? y The spread would be across 80 sectors *** 79 time units are needed, you only have 70 *** [LITTLE BIGHORN 161 : 70/0]: sea Liner @350,354 [Liner #19:97 12.2]: sa Liner #19 @350,354 docked on LITTLE BIGHORN 161[#161] island, sector 9,1 To terminate enter // [350,354] Direction? u Undocking [351,354] Direction? v Location: 351,354 LITTLE BIGHORN 161[#161] sector 10,1 Sea Sea Sea 350 351 352 353 353 353 [ 7] Sea Sea 0%D 351 352 1M 354 354 [ 0] Sea Sea 0%R 351 352 0M 355 355 [351,354] Direction? -45 Distance (Max=11)? 1 [350,353] Direction? // [Liner #19:97 9.8]: l94 Date: 540.64 [ARCHES 94 : 12/0]: v 11111111112222222 12345678901234567890123456 1 ------ - -------- 1 2 ------ -- -------- 2 3 ----- -- --------- 3 4 ---- ----- -- ^^- 4 5 -- - - - --- - -^^--- 5 6 -- -- ---- -^---- 6 7 -- --- -- --^-- 7 8 - ----- -- -----^- 8 9 --- -^----- -----^- 9 10 --- ------ ----^^- 10 11 ----- ----- ---^^^--- 11 12 ----- ---- ---^^---- 12 13 -------- ---- ^^---- 13 14 ------- -- -^---- - 14 15 -------- --- ^^^-- --- 15 16 ---------- ---^-^^^-- ---- 16 17 -^------- ---^^-^^------ 17 18 ^^^------------^^^-------- 18 19 -^-------------^^^--^-^--- 19 20 ------------------^--- 20 21 -------^^^---------- --- 21 22 ----^----^----------- - 22 23 --------- ------------ 23 24 ----- --- -----------C 24 25 ---- -- --------- -- 25 26 ------ --------- -- 26 11111111112222222 12345678901234567890123456 [ARCHES 94 : 12/0]: sea Liner @350,353 [Liner #19:97 9.8]: i 94 Island Index Date: 540.64 Island Name Location Size Flags Naming Nation ------------------------ -------- ---- ----- ----------------------------- 94 ARCHES 94 301,274 26,26 O PARK RANGERS[7] Flags: O = Occupied, V = Visited, R = Released. [Liner #19:97 9.8]: course Destination (X,Y)? 301,300 Speed (Default=15)? Destination = 301,300 ARCHES 94[#94] @1,27 Distance = 72.2, Direction = 317.2, Speed = 15 Fuel required = 7.2, Supply on ship = 77.3 Starting date = 540.64, ETA = 609.38 Use how much time (Default=9.9)? Leaving inland waters Destination = 301,300 ARCHES 94[#94] @1,27 Distance = 62.3, Direction = 317.6, Speed = 15 Fuel required = 6.2, Supply on ship = 76.3 Starting date = 540.64, ETA = 599.96 Set course (Default=YES)? Course set. [Liner #19:97 0.0]: radar PARK RANGERS[7] Radar Report Date : 540.64 Island Name Location Size Dist Direc ------------------------------ -------- ---- ---- ----- 1 LITTLE BIGHORN 161[#161] 342,354 9,19 8.0 180.0 Nation Name Ship Type Location Dist Direc Disp ------------------------------ ---------------- -------- ----- ----- ------- + PARK RANGERS[7] Liner #19 343,346 0.0 0.0 Moving ! ! ! - - - + - - - ! 111111 111111 111111 111111 111111 ! [Liner #19:97 0.0]: mai r [532.52] Liner #19:97 arrived at LITTLE BIGHORN 161[#161] sector 10,1 [532.52] Submarine #53:97 arrived at 327,273 [539.66] Submarine #11:96 arrived at ISLAND 65[#65] sector 4,0 [539.66] Submarine #86:94 arrived at [AN UNDISCOVERED][#107] sector 36,0 [Liner #19:97 0.0]: sea 327,273 *** You do not own ship #327 *** [No Ship]: sh pt PARK RANGERS[7] Ship Report Date: 540.64 Num:Fl Style Position Civ Mil Art Expl Ftr Fuel % Time Destination -------- ------------ ------- ---- ---- --- ---- --- ----- -- ---- ------------ 103:190 PT Boat 590,582 0 15 0 9 0 6.1 99 33.7 [No Ship]: sea 103 PT Boat @590,582 [PT Boat #103:190 33.7]: v Location: 590,582 At sea Nearest island: SHILOH 253[#253] Dist=19.0, Direc=87.0 [PT Boat #103:190 33.7]: l90 Date: 540.64 [NORCO 90 : 97/0]: v 1111111111222222222 1234567890123456789012345678 1 ---^--- ---- --- -- ---^---- 1 2 ---^^-- --- --- - - ------ 2 3 --^^-- ------- ------- ----1 3 4 --^^- ------- -----------^^^ 4 5 ------ --------- ---^^ 5 6 --^^-- ----^---- ---^^ 6 7 ^^^-- ----^^--- ----^ 7 8 ^^^^---^^^^^-- ----- 8 9 --^^---^^^^--- - ---- 9 10 --^-----^^---- - -------- 10 11 ------------- - --- - -^--- 11 12 ---------- ----- ^^---- 12 13 ---------------------------- 13 14 -----^------ --------------- 14 15 ---^^^----------------- --- 15 16 ----^^^^---------------- - 16 17 ---^^^^^^^---^----------- 17 18 -- -^^^^^^^^^^----------- - 18 19 ---^^^^^^^^^^^^--------- --- 19 20 --^^^^--^^^^-^^^------------ 20 21 ---^^---^^^---^-^^---------- 21 22 ---^^ -----------^^^^^------ 22 23 ---^^ ---- ----------------- 23 24 C--^^- -- ------------------ 24 1111111111222222222 1234567890123456789012345678 sh pt PARK RANGERS[7] Ship Report Date: 540.66 Num:Fl Style Position Civ Mil Art Expl Ftr Fuel % Time Destination -------- ------------ ------- ---- ---- --- ---- --- ----- -- ---- ------------ 103:190 PT Boat 590,582 0 15 0 9 0 6.1 99 33.8 [PT Boat #103:190 33.7]: l90 Date: 540.66 [NORCO 90 : 97/0]: dist Distributing what? // [NORCO 90 : 97/0]: distance From sector (X,Y)? 10,1 World Coordinates are: 602,613 To world location (X,Y)? 590,582 From 602,613 to 590,582 Distance = 33.2, Direction = 338.8 [NORCO 90 : 97/0]: sea PT Boat @590,582 [PT Boat #103:190 33.7]: course Destination (X,Y)? 600,582 Speed (Default=40)? Destination = 600,582 Distance = 10.0, Direction = 90.0, Speed = 40 Fuel required = 1.0, Supply on ship = 6.1 Starting date = 540.66, ETA = 544.23 Use how much time (Default=33.8)? 0 Destination = 600,582 Distance = 10.0, Direction = 90.0, Speed = 40 Fuel required = 1.0, Supply on ship = 6.1 Starting date = 540.66, ETA = 544.23 Set course (Default=YES)? 0 *** Expected YES or NO *** Set course (Default=YES)? 0 *** Expected YES or NO *** Set course (Default=YES)? 0 *** Expected YES or NO *** Set course (Default=YES)? no Course setting aborted. [PT Boat #103:190 33.7]: course Destination (X,Y)? 600,582 Speed (Default=40)? Destination = 600,582 Distance = 10.0, Direction = 90.0, Speed = 40 Fuel required = 1.0, Supply on ship = 6.1 Starting date = 540.66, ETA = 544.23 Use how much time (Default=33.8)? [PT Boat #103:190 33.7]: radar PARK RANGERS[7] Radar Report Date : 540.66 Island Name Location Size Dist Direc ------------------------------ -------- ---- ---- ----- 3 SHILOH 253[#253] 609,559 13,23 19.0 87.0 Nation Name Ship Type Location Dist Direc Disp ------------------------------ ---------------- -------- ----- ----- ------- + PARK RANGERS[7] PT Boat #103 590,582 0.0 0.0 3 ! 33 3333 33333 ! 33333 333333 333333 ! 333333 - - - + - 333333- ! ! ! [PT Boat #103:190 33.7]: i 90 Island Index Date: 540.67 Island Name Location Size Flags Naming Nation ------------------------ -------- ---- ----- ----------------------------- 90 NORCO 90 593,613 28,24 O NORCO[11] Flags: O = Occupied, V = Visited, R = Released. [PT Boat #103:190 33.8]: course Destination (X,Y)? 603,612 Speed (Default=40)? Destination = 603,612 NORCO 90[#90] @11,0 Distance = 32.7, Direction = 156.6, Speed = 40 Fuel required = 3.3, Supply on ship = 6.1 Starting date = 540.67, ETA = 552.35 Use how much time (Default=33.8)? Entering inland waters of NORCO 90[#90] island. PT Boat #103 arrived at destination point. [PT Boat #103:190 1.1]: v Location: 603,612 NORCO 90[#90] sector 11,0 Sea Sea Sea 602 603 604 611 611 611 Sea Sea Sea 602 603 604 612 612 612 [ 0] [ 0] [ 0] 0%R 0%R 0%R 0M 0M 0M [PT Boat #103:190 1.1]: 180 *** Unknown command, for a list enter COMMANDS *** [PT Boat #103:190 1.1]: 1 *** Unknown command, for a list enter COMMANDS *** [PT Boat #103:190 1.1]: sa PT Boat #103 @603,612 in NORCO 90[#90] coastal waters, sector 11,0 To terminate enter // [603,612] Direction? 180 Distance (Max=1)? 1 Docked at sector 11,1 [PT Boat #103:190 0.1]: assa NORCO 90[#90], sector 11,1 [ Unowned ] 0% R, 0 military Expected victory casualties : 0 Number of persons in the assault (Max=15)? 15 You have won, casualties 0, enemy losses 0 [PT Boat #103:190 0.1]: unl NORCO 90[#90] island, sector 11,1 Unloading what? o Quanity (Max=2)? 2 Unloading what? e Quanity (Max=9)? 9 Unloading what? 0 [PT Boat #103:190 0.1]: l Date: 540.67 [NORCO 90 : 97/0]: v 1111111111222222222 1234567890123456789012345678 1 ---^--- --D- --- -- ---^---- 1 2 ---^^-- --- --- - - ------ 2 3 --^^-- ------- ------- ----1 3 4 --^^- ------- -----------^^^ 4 5 ------ --------- ---^^ 5 6 --^^-- ----^---- ---^^ 6 7 ^^^-- ----^^--- ----^ 7 8 ^^^^---^^^^^-- ----- 8 9 --^^---^^^^--- - ---- 9 10 --^-----^^---- - -------- 10 11 ------------- - --- - -^--- 11 12 ---------- ----- ^^---- 12 13 ---------------------------- 13 14 -----^------ --------------- 14 15 ---^^^----------------- --- 15 16 ----^^^^---------------- - 16 17 ---^^^^^^^---^----------- 17 18 -- -^^^^^^^^^^----------- - 18 19 ---^^^^^^^^^^^^--------- --- 19 20 --^^^^--^^^^-^^^------------ 20 21 ---^^---^^^---^-^^---------- 21 22 ---^^ -----------^^^^^------ 22 23 ---^^ ---- ----------------- 23 24 C--^^- -- ------------------ 24 1111111111222222222 1234567890123456789012345678 [NORCO 90 : 97/0]: m m From sector (X,Y)? 11,1 To sector (X,Y)? 27,3 The move will require 22 time units. Quanity (Max=15)? 13 Ore sample 9% [NORCO 90 : 75/22]: spy Sector Owner Des Civ Mil Art Explv Ore Eff Prod Ftr Bmr 28, 3 11 C 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [NORCO 90 : 75/22]: p Send to nation number? 11 To: NORCO[11] Input message, to terminate enter // #To: Norco #From: National Park Service # #Dear Nation, # #The Park Commission has named you an enemy of the park for your unprovoked #sinking of two park vessels. The commission has given shoot on sight orders, #and we are authorized to confiscate island #90 for addition to the NPS. # #If we do not hear from you soon to make plans for changing your status, #you should expect that we will also confiscate island #148. # #Chief Ranger #empireclassic.com/parkrangers #// Send or Exit (Default=Send)? Message sent [NORCO 90 : 75/22]: spy Sector Owner Des Civ Mil Art Explv Ore Eff Prod Ftr Bmr 28, 3 11 C 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [NORCO 90 : 75/22]: a Attacking from sector (X,Y)? 27,3 Attacking sector (X,Y)? 28,3 NORCO[11] 0% C, Expected casualties: 1 Number of persons in the attack (Maximum=13)? 12 You have won, the capitol falls, casualties 1, enemy casualties 1 [NORCO 90 : 73/24]: re Island Report for NORCO 90[#90] Date: 540.73 Rank Sectors Time Vis Name ---- ------- ---- --- ----------------------------- 1. 4 73 (G) PARK RANGERS[7] [S.C.] [Lord] Your population is 19, your power totals 22 [NORCO 90 : 73/24]: i n New island name? gettysburg 90 [GETTYSBURG 90 : 73/24]: v 1111111111222222222 1234567890123456789012345678 1 ---^--- --D- --- -- ---^---- 1 2 ---^^-- --- --- - - ------ 2 3 --^^-- ------- ------- ---RU 3 4 --^^- ------- -----------^^^ 4 5 ------ --------- ---^^ 5 6 --^^-- ----^---- ---^^ 6 7 ^^^-- ----^^--- ----^ 7 8 ^^^^---^^^^^-- ----- 8 9 --^^---^^^^--- - ---- 9 10 --^-----^^---- - -------- 10 11 ------------- - --- - -^--- 11 12 ---------- ----- ^^---- 12 13 ---------------------------- 13 14 -----^------ --------------- 14 15 ---^^^----------------- --- 15 16 ----^^^^---------------- - 16 17 ---^^^^^^^---^----------- 17 18 -- -^^^^^^^^^^----------- - 18 19 ---^^^^^^^^^^^^--------- --- 19 20 --^^^^--^^^^-^^^------------ 20 21 ---^^---^^^---^-^^---------- 21 22 ---^^ -----------^^^^^------ 22 23 ---^^ ---- ----------------- 23 24 C--^^- -- ------------------ 24 1111111111222222222 1234567890123456789012345678 [GETTYSBURG 90 : 73/24]: m m From sector (X,Y)? 28,3 To sector (X,Y)? 28,4 The move will require 5 time units. Quanity (Max=11)? 10 Ore sample 5% [GETTYSBURG 90 : 68/29]: mai r [532.52] Liner #19:97 arrived at LITTLE BIGHORN 161[#161] sector 10,1 [532.52] Submarine #53:97 arrived at 327,273 [539.66] Submarine #11:96 arrived at ISLAND 65[#65] sector 4,0 [539.66] Submarine #86:94 arrived at [AN UNDISCOVERED][#107] sector 36,0 [GETTYSBURG 90 : 68/29]: sea 53 Submarine @327,273 [Submarine #53:97 17.0]: v Location: 327,273 ARCHES 94[#94] sector 27,0 Sea Sea Sea 326 327 328 272 272 272 Sea Sea Sea 326 327 328 273 273 273 [ 0] Sea Sea 0%R 327 328 0M 274 274 [Submarine #53:97 17.0]: i 99 Island Index Date: 540.75 Island Name Location Size Flags Naming Nation ------------------------ -------- ---- ----- ----------------------------- 99 [AN UNDISCOVERED] 299,222 27,31 Flags: O = Occupied, V = Visited, R = Released. [Submarine #53:97 17.0]: course Destination (X,Y)? 300,253 Speed (Default=25)? Destination = 300,253 [AN UNDISCOVERED][#99] @2,32 Distance = 33.6, Direction = 306.5, Speed = 25 Fuel required = 3.4, Supply on ship = 42.4 Starting date = 540.75, ETA = 559.95 Use how much time (Default=17.1)? Leaving inland waters Destination = 300,253 [AN UNDISCOVERED][#99] @2,32 Distance = 16.4, Direction = 307.6, Speed = 25 Fuel required = 1.6, Supply on ship = 40.7 Starting date = 540.75, ETA = 550.12 Set course (Default=YES)? Course set. [Submarine #53:97 -0.1]: radar PARK RANGERS[7] Radar Report Date : 540.75 Island Name Location Size Dist Direc ------------------------------ -------- ---- ---- ----- 4 ARCHES 94[#94] 301,274 26,26 11.0 180.0 9 [AN UNDISCOVERED][#99] 299,222 27,31 11.0 0.0 Nation Name Ship Type Location Dist Direc Disp ------------------------------ ---------------- -------- ----- ----- ------- + PARK RANGERS[7] Submarine #53 313,263 0.0 0.0 Moving 999999999 999999999999999 9999999999999999 9999999999999999 999999999999999 99999999999 9999999999 ! - - - + - - - ! 4444 4 44444 44444444444 444 444 4444444444 444 4444 44444 444444444 44444 444444444444444 444444444 [Submarine #53:97 -0.1]: course Destination (X,Y)? 311,253 Speed (Default=25)? Destination = 311,253 [AN UNDISCOVERED][#99] @13,32 Distance = 10.2, Direction = 348.7, Speed = 25 Fuel required = 1.0, Supply on ship = 40.7 Starting date = 540.75, ETA = 546.58 Set course (Default=YES)? Course set. [Submarine #53:97 -0.1]: mai r [532.52] Liner #19:97 arrived at LITTLE BIGHORN 161[#161] sector 10,1 [532.52] Submarine #53:97 arrived at 327,273 [539.66] Submarine #11:96 arrived at ISLAND 65[#65] sector 4,0 [539.66] Submarine #86:94 arrived at [AN UNDISCOVERED][#107] sector 36,0 [Submarine #53:97 0.0]: sea 11 Submarine @163,522 [Submarine #11:96 3.3]: v Location: 163,522 ISLAND 65[#65] sector 4,0 Sea Sea Sea 162 163 164 521 521 521 Sea Sea Sea 162 163 164 522 522 522 [ 0] [ 0] [ 0] 0%R 0%R 0%R 0M 0M 0M [Submarine #11:96 3.3]: sa Submarine #11 @163,522 in ISLAND 65[#65] coastal waters, sector 4,0 To terminate enter // [163,522] Direction? // [Submarine #11:96 3.3]: l65 *** Island #65 is unknown and un-released *** [Submarine #11:96 3.3]: sa Submarine #11 @163,522 in ISLAND 65[#65] coastal waters, sector 4,0 To terminate enter // [163,522] Direction? 180 Distance (Max=3)? 1 Docked at sector 4,1 [163,523] Direction? // [Submarine #11:96 2.3]: assa ISLAND 65[#65], sector 4,1 [ Unowned ] 0% R, 0 military Expected victory casualties : 0 Number of persons in the assault (Max=22)? 5 You have won, casualties 0, enemy losses 0 [Submarine #11:96 2.3]: l65 Date: 540.77 [ISLAND 65 : No Capitol]: v 1111111111222222222233 1234567890123456789012345678901 1 ---D--- -- ----------- --- -- 1 2 ---- - --- ----------- ------- 2 3 --- - ------------- --^^---- 3 4 -- -- - - ---------- ---^--- 4 5 -- - ---- - -------- ---^^----- 5 6 ----- ----- -----------^^----- 6 7 ----------- - -----------^^---- 7 8 -------------- ----------^----- 8 9 ----^^^^----- --^------------ - 9 10 ---^^^^^^--- -----^----------- 10 11 --^^^^^^^^---------^----------- 11 12 --^^^^^^^^--------------------- 12 13 ----^^^^^---- ----------------3 13 14 ------------ ---------- ------3 14 1111111111222222222233 1234567890123456789012345678901 [ISLAND 65 : No Capitol]: des 4,1 4, 1 currently a 0% D (9% sample). New designation? c Designation changed. [ISLAND 65 : 0/0]: sea Submarine @163,523 [Submarine #11:96 2.3]: sa Submarine #11 @163,523 docked on ISLAND 65[#65] island, sector 4,1 To terminate enter // [163,523] Direction? u Undocking [163,522] Direction? // [Submarine #11:96 1.3]: radar PARK RANGERS[7] Radar Report Date : 540.77 Island Name Location Size Dist Direc ------------------------------ -------- ---- ---- ----- 6 ZION 16[#16] 128,475 70,21 27.0 0.0 5 ISLAND 65[#65] 160,523 31,14 1.0 180.0 2 MT 152[#152] 106,522 46,12 12.0 270.0 Nation Name Ship Type Location Dist Direc Disp ------------------------------ ---------------- -------- ----- ----- ------- + PARK RANGERS[7] Submarine #11 163,522 0.0 0.0 A ARMAGEDDON[3] PT Boat #46 190,535 30.0 115.7 Docked 666666666 666666666666 ! ! ! 222-222 22 -5+555555 555555 2222222222 555555555555555555 2222222222 555555555 55555555 22 222222 555555555555555555 22 22 5555555555555 555A 5555555 5555 ! ! [Submarine #11:96 1.3]: i 65 Island Index Date: 540.77 Island Name Location Size Flags Naming Nation ------------------------ -------- ---- ----- ----------------------------- 65 ISLAND 65 160,523 31,14 O ARMAGEDDON[3] Flags: O = Occupied, V = Visited, R = Released. [Submarine #11:96 1.3]: course Destination (X,Y)? 169,522 Speed (Default=25)? Destination = 169,522 ISLAND 65[#65] @10,0 Distance = 6.0, Direction = 90.0, Speed = 25 Fuel required = 0.6, Supply on ship = 33.2 Starting date = 540.77, ETA = 544.19 Use how much time (Default=1.3)? Destination = 169,522 ISLAND 65[#65] @10,0 Distance = 5.0, Direction = 90.0, Speed = 25 Fuel required = 0.5, Supply on ship = 33.1 Starting date = 540.77, ETA = 543.62 Set course (Default=YES)? Course set. [Submarine #11:96 0.3]: mai r [532.52] Liner #19:97 arrived at LITTLE BIGHORN 161[#161] sector 10,1 [532.52] Submarine #53:97 arrived at 327,273 [539.66] Submarine #11:96 arrived at ISLAND 65[#65] sector 4,0 [539.66] Submarine #86:94 arrived at [AN UNDISCOVERED][#107] sector 36,0 [Submarine #11:96 0.3]: sea 86 Submarine @485,748 [Submarine #86:94 3.3]: v Location: 485,748 [AN UNDISCOVERED][#107] sector 36,0 Sea Sea Sea 484 485 486 747 747 747 Sea Sea Sea 484 485 486 748 748 748 [ 0] Water Water 0%R 36, 1 37, 1 0M [Submarine #86:94 3.3]: radar PARK RANGERS[7] Radar Report Date : 540.77 Island Name Location Size Dist Direc ------------------------------ -------- ---- ---- ----- 7 [AN UNDISCOVERED][#107] 450,749 40,15 1.0 180.0 9 ARLINGTON HOUSE 219[#219] 456,726 10, 3 28.3 315.0 Nation Name Ship Type Location Dist Direc Disp ------------------------------ ---------------- -------- ----- ----- ------- + PARK RANGERS[7] Submarine #86 485,748 0.0 0.0 ! 99 ! ! 777 - 777777+77- - - 777777 77777777777 7777777777777777777 7777777 777777777 77777 77777777777 777777777777777777 ! [Submarine #86:94 3.3]: v m Location: 485,748 [AN UNDISCOVERED][#107] sector 36,0 . ???? ??? ? ??? ? ?? ???? ?? ? ????????? ????????? [Submarine #86:94 3.3]: sa Submarine #86 @485,748 in [AN UNDISCOVERED][#107] coastal waters, sector 36,0 To terminate enter // [485,748] Direction? 90 Distance (Max=3)? // [485,748] Direction? 225 Distance (Max=3)? 1 Docked at sector 35,1 [484,749] Direction? // [Submarine #86:94 1.9]: assa [AN UNDISCOVERED][#107], sector 35,1 [ Unowned ] 0% R, 0 military Expected victory casualties : 0 Number of persons in the assault (Max=47)? 4 You have won, casualties 0, enemy losses 0 You are the first nation to land on ISLAND 107[#107] island. [Submarine #86:94 1.9]: l107 Date: 540.77 [ISLAND 107 : No Capitol]: v 1111111111222222222233333333334 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890 1 -- -- ----- ------ ---D --- 1 2 ----- ---- --------- --- - -- 2 3 --- ------ -- ----^---- ---- -- - 3 4 --- ---^---- - ---------- --------- 4 5 ----------- --------------- --------- 5 6 -------------------- ------ ---------- 6 7 ----------- - -- ------ --------- 7 8 --------- -- ---------------- 8 9 ------- - ---- ---------------- 9 10 -------- ----- -------------- 10 11 ------------- -- ------ -- - 11 12 ------------- - ------ ---- 12 13 ------------- - - - ----------- 13 14 --------------------- -------- -- 14 15 ----- -- ------------------------- ---- 15 1111111111222222222233333333334 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890 [ISLAND 107 : No Capitol]: des 35,1 35, 1 currently a 0% D (9% sample). New designation? c Designation changed. [ISLAND 107 : 0/0]: i n New island name? katmai 107 [KATMAI 107 : 0/0]: v 1111111111222222222233333333334 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890 1 -- -- ----- ------ ---C --- 1 2 ----- ---- --------- --- - -- 2 3 --- ------ -- ----^---- ---- -- - 3 4 --- ---^---- - ---------- --------- 4 5 ----------- --------------- --------- 5 6 -------------------- ------ ---------- 6 7 ----------- - -- ------ --------- 7 8 --------- -- ---------------- 8 9 ------- - ---- ---------------- 9 10 -------- ----- -------------- 10 11 ------------- -- ------ -- - 11 12 ------------- - ------ ---- 12 13 ------------- - - - ----------- 13 14 --------------------- -------- -- 14 15 ----- -- ------------------------- ---- 15 1111111111222222222233333333334 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890 [KATMAI 107 : 0/0]: sea Submarine @484,749 [Submarine #86:94 2.0]: sa Submarine #86 @484,749 docked on KATMAI 107[#107] island, sector 35,1 To terminate enter // [484,749] Direction? u Undocking [Submarine #86:94 0.5]: // *** Unknown command, for a list enter COMMANDS *** [Submarine #86:94 0.5]: i 107 Island Index Date: 540.81 Island Name Location Size Flags Naming Nation ------------------------ -------- ---- ----- ----------------------------- 107 KATMAI 107 450,749 40,15 O PARK RANGERS[7] Flags: O = Occupied, V = Visited, R = Released. [Submarine #86:94 0.5]: course Destination (X,Y)? 490,738 Speed (Default=25)? Destination = 490,738 Distance = 11.2, Direction = 26.6, Speed = 25 Fuel required = 1.1, Supply on ship = 48.8 Starting date = 540.81, ETA = 547.20 Set course (Default=YES)? // [Submarine #86:94 0.5]: v Location: 485,748 KATMAI 107[#107] sector 36,0 Sea Sea Sea 484 485 486 747 747 747 Sea Sea Sea 484 485 486 748 748 748 [ 7] Water Water 0%C 36, 1 37, 1 4M [Submarine #86:94 0.5]: course Destination (X,Y)? 490,748 Speed (Default=25)? Destination = 490,748 KATMAI 107[#107] @41,0 Distance = 5.0, Direction = 90.0, Speed = 25 Fuel required = 0.5, Supply on ship = 48.8 Starting date = 540.83, ETA = 543.69 Set course (Default=YES)? Course set. [Submarine #86:94 0.6]: sh sub PARK RANGERS[7] Ship Report Date: 540.83 Num:Fl Style Position Civ Mil Art Expl Ftr Fuel % Time Destination -------- ------------ ------- ---- ---- --- ---- --- ----- -- ---- ------------ 11: 96 Submarine 164,522 0 17 2 20 0 33.1 99 0.4 169,522 #65 24: 98 Submarine 489,329 0 47 2 20 0 57.7 99 1.8 491,323 #149 28: 92 Submarine 645,496 0 50 2 20 0 57.6 99 2.2 666,486 #84 53: 97 Submarine 313,263 0 37 2 20 0 40.7 99 0.0 311,253 #99 86: 94 Submarine 485,748 0 43 2 20 0 48.8 99 0.6 490,748 #107 97: 98 Submarine 496,400* 0 50 2 20 0 71.4 99 4.5 514,356 #121 98: 91 Submarine 539,424 0 50 2 20 0 70.6 99 1.4 568,415 #47 99: 91 Submarine 504,405* 0 50 2 20 0 71.4 99 4.2 545,356 #121 139: 93 Submarine 549,536 0 50 2 20 0 62.7 99 2.1 536,599 #36 [Submarine #86:94 0.6]: sh lin PARK RANGERS[7] Ship Report Date: 540.83 Num:Fl Style Position Civ Mil Art Expl Ftr Fuel % Time Destination -------- ------------ ------- ---- ---- --- ---- --- ----- -- ---- ------------ 19: 97 Liner 343,346 4614 92 0 0 0 76.3 99 0.2 301,300 #94 20: 96 Liner 292,494 1167 66 0 0 0 73.9 99 0.9 272,495 #63 21: 95 Liner 353,675 6003 94 0 0 0 82.6 99 1.4 300,700 50: 91 Liner 642,346 1506 97 0 0 0 78.6 99 1.5 645,345 #204 51: 94 Liner 492,548 9999 99 0 0 0 91.4 99 1.2 505,572 #55 120: 92 Liner 562,451 6000 99 0 0 0 91.6 99 1.5 588,450 #42 138: 98 Liner 481,380 5697 99 0 0 0 91.7 99 1.7 484,354 #119 [Submarine #86:94 0.6]: sh des PARK RANGERS[7] Ship Report Date: 540.83 Num:Fl Style Position Civ Mil Art Expl Ftr Fuel % Time Destination -------- ------------ ------- ---- ---- --- ---- --- ----- -- ---- ------------ 29: 95 Destroyer 404,619 0 250 2 200 0 17.5 99 2.0 388,631 #151 [Submarine #86:94 0.6]: l133 Date: 540.83 [MOST : 28/0]: t Sector Des Civ Mil Art Explv Ore Eff Prod Smpl Auth Ftr Bmr 11,36 C 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 8% [MOST : 28/0]: v 111111111122222 123456789012345678901234 1 2 222 222 22222 2 1 2 2 22222 222222222 2 3 222 2222 222^22222 3 4 222 222222^^^^^22 4 5 22 222222^^^22222 5 6 22222222222222^^222 2 6 7 - 222222222222^2 2 7 8 --- 2222222222222 22 8 9 - -----------22222 22 9 10 --------------2222222222 10 11 ----- --------222222222 11 12 --- ------2222222222 12 13 -- -- ------------- 13 14 -- - -- ------------- 14 15 -- - -- ----------- 15 16 - ----------------- 16 17 --- ------------------ 17 18 -------^----------- - 18 19 ---------^------------ - 19 20 -------^^----------- -- 20 21 -- --^^^^--------- --- 21 22 - ---^^^^------------ 22 23 - -----^^------------ 23 24 -----^^^-------- 24 25 - -- ----^^------ --- 25 26 --- - -----^-^^-------- 26 27 --- -------^^^-------^ 27 28 -----^------------^^^^-- 28 29 ----^^^-----------^^^- 29 30 ----^^----------^^^^^--- 30 31 ---^^----------^^^^^---3 31 32 ---^-----------^----- 32 33 ----------------- -- 33 34 ------ --------- -- 34 35 ------- ----- -- 35 36 ------- --C- -- 36 111111111122222 123456789012345678901234 [MOST : 28/0]: m m From sector (X,Y)? 11,36 To sector (X,Y)? 12,36 The move will require 1 time unit. Quanity (Max=5)? 4 Ore sample 2% [MOST : 27/1]: m m From sector (X,Y)? 12,36 To sector (X,Y)? 12,35 The move will require 1 time unit. Quanity (Max=4)? 3 Ore sample 5% [MOST : 26/2]: m m From sector (X,Y)? 12,35 To sector (X,Y)? 11,35 The move will require 1 time unit. Quanity (Max=3)? 1 Ore sample 8% [MOST : 25/3]: m m From sector (X,Y)? 12,35 To sector (X,Y)? 13,35 The move will require 1 time unit. Quanity (Max=2)? 1 Ore sample 7% [MOST : 24/4]: re Island Report for MOST[#133] Date: 540.83 Rank Sectors Time Vis Name ---- ------- ---- --- ----------------------------- 1. 150 41 (E) FOURMOST[32] 2. 5 24 (G) PARK RANGERS[7] [S.C.] [Lord] 3. 1 51 (C) ARMAGEDDON[3] [S.C.] [Lord] Your population is 5, your power totals 1 [MOST : 24/4]: l22 Date: 540.83 [OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22 : 30/27]: v 11111111112222222222333333333 12345678901234567890123456789012345678 1 ------------ -^------ ---- ---- 1 2 --------------^----- ---- -- --- 2 3 -^------^-----^---- ----- -- ---- 3 4 -^^^^^^^^^-------- - --- -- -- 4 5 ------^^^^^--^--- --- -- -- -- 5 6 -^^^^^^^^^---^------ -- -- -- 6 7 --^^^^^^------^^---- --- -- --- 7 8 --^^^^^-------^^--- ---- --- ---- 8 9 ---^^^^^-------^--- ----- ---- ---- 9 10 ----^^^^-------^-- -------- - -------- 10 11 - ---^^^-------^---------------------- 11 12 ------^------------------------------ 12 13 -- ----^^----------------^^^- ------^ 13 14 - ----^-----------^---^^^^- -------- 14 15 DM -------------^^^----^^--- -------- 15 16 DP -------------^^^^- ----- - ------- 16 17 U-------------^^^^- -- - ---^----- 17 18 DE--------^^---^^^^--- - -----^----- 18 19 DP--------^^--^^^-^---- ----^^---- 19 20 E-------^^^--^-------- -----^---- 20 21 MP--------^^-^^-------- ------- 21 22 DE--------^^--^-- ---- --- --- 22 23 DP--------^^---- ----- -- -- ----- 23 24 ME--------^^----- --^^---------- ----- 24 25 MPPPPPPAPE^PM---- ---^^-^^^--- ---- 25 26 D^EEMEEE^MPEE^-- -----^-^--- --- 26 27 D^^MEPPP^P^PP--- -----^-- - --- 27 28 DAPAPAEEE^^^C^PEM ---^- - --- 28 29 EEMEEMMP^^EE^^PEPM ---- - - 29 30 P+PPPPMEEAPPAEPE ----- - 30 31 D EMEEPEAMMPEEMPEA -- -- - 31 32 DDDDDDDDDDDDDM^DMM -- -- ( 32 11111111112222222222333333333 12345678901234567890123456789012345678 [OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22 : 30/27]: t c Sector Des Civ Mil Art Explv Ore Eff Prod Smpl Auth Ftr Bmr 13,28 C 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 2% [OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22 : 30/27]: t u Sector Des Civ Mil Art Explv Ore Eff Prod Smpl Auth Ftr Bmr 2,17 U 2620 0 0 0 0 99 0 8% [OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22 : 30/27]: spr Spread civilians in region (LowX,LowY,HighX,HighY)? 0 [OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22 : 30/27]: t d Sector Des Civ Mil Art Explv Ore Eff Prod Smpl Auth Ftr Bmr 1,15 D 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 9% None 1,16 D 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 8% None 1,18 D 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 9% None 1,19 D 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 3% None 1,22 D 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 8% None 1,23 D 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 6% None 1,26 D 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 8% None 1,27 D 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 1% None 1,28 D 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 7% None 1,31 D 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 1% None 1,32 D 35 1 0 0 0 99 0 7% None 2,32 D 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 3% None 3,32 D 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 5% None 4,32 D 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 2% None 5,32 D 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 4% None 6,32 D 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 6% None 7,32 D 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 0% None 8,32 D 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 2% None 9,32 D 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 9% None 10,32 D 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 8% None 11,32 D 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 8% None 12,32 D 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 6% None 13,32 D 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 3% None 16,32 D 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 4% None [OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22 : 30/27]: t u Sector Des Civ Mil Art Explv Ore Eff Prod Smpl Auth Ftr Bmr 2,17 U 2620 0 0 0 0 99 0 8% [OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22 : 30/27]: gath c from u to (d=d r=1,22,1,32) q 100 ti 20 Leaving 100 per sector 455 civilians gathered, 7 time units used. [OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22 : 23/34]: t m Sector Des Civ Mil Art Explv Ore Eff Prod Smpl Auth Ftr Bmr 1,21 M 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 88% 1,24 M 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 95% 1,25 M 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 27% 2,15 M 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 16% 4,27 M 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 55% 4,29 M 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 21% 4,31 M 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 90% 5,26 M 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 92% 7,29 M 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 74% 8,29 M 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 57% 9,30 M 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 44% 10,26 M 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 17% 10,31 M 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 53% 11,31 M 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 23% 13,25 M 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 76% 14,32 M 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 31% 15,31 M 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 43% 17,28 M 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 34% 17,32 M 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 62% 18,32 M 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 88% 19,29 M 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 75% [OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22 : 23/34]: gath c from u to (d=m s>80) q 100 ti 3 Leaving 100 per sector 195 civilians gathered, 3 time units used. [OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22 : 20/37]: ana Sector Analysis OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22[#22] island Date: 540.84 Island size = 1216, Land = 816 67%, Water = 254 21%, Mountains = 146 12% You own 128 sectors 11% of the island. 1 1% Capitol 1 1% Urbans 21 16% Mines, 3 usable 35 27% Explosive plants, 0 usable 8 6% Artillery industries, 0 usable 24 19% Dock/shipyard industries, 7 usable 36 28% Plane industries, 0 usable 1 1% Airports (+) 1 1% Radar installations Total industries = 103, Usable = 7, Active = 0 Ore produced per update time unit: Potential = 116.1, Actual = 27.0 Excess ore per update time unit: Potential = 13.1, Actual = 20.0 [OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22 : 20/37]: v p 11111111112222222222333333333 12345678901234567890123456789012345678 15 DM -------------^^^----^^--- -------- 15 16 DP -------------^^^^- ----- - ------- 16 17 U-------------^^^^- -- - ---^----- 17 18 DE--------^^---^^^^--- - -----^----- 18 19 DP--------^^--^^^-^---- ----^^---- 19 20 E-------^^^--^-------- -----^---- 20 21 MP--------^^-^^-------- ------- 21 22 DE--------^^--^-- ---- --- --- 22 23 DP--------^^---- ----- -- -- ----- 23 24 ME--------^^----- --^^---------- ----- 24 25 MPPPPPPAPE^PM---- ---^^-^^^--- ---- 25 26 D^EEMEEE^MPEE^-- -----^-^--- --- 26 27 D^^MEPPP^P^PP--- -----^-- - --- 27 28 DAPAPAEEE^^^C^PEM ---^- - --- 28 29 EEMEEMMP^^EE^^PEPM ---- - - 29 30 P+PPPPMEEAPPAEPE ----- - 30 31 D EMEEPEAMMPEEMPEA -- -- - 31 32 DDDDDDDDDDDDDM^DMM -- -- ( 32 11111111112222222222333333333 12345678901234567890123456789012345678 [OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22 : 20/37]: v 11111111112222222222333333333 12345678901234567890123456789012345678 1 ------------ -^------ ---- ---- 1 2 --------------^----- ---- -- --- 2 3 -^------^-----^---- ----- -- ---- 3 4 -^^^^^^^^^-------- - --- -- -- 4 5 ------^^^^^--^--- --- -- -- -- 5 6 -^^^^^^^^^---^------ -- -- -- 6 7 --^^^^^^------^^---- --- -- --- 7 8 --^^^^^-------^^--- ---- --- ---- 8 9 ---^^^^^-------^--- ----- ---- ---- 9 10 ----^^^^-------^-- -------- - -------- 10 11 - ---^^^-------^---------------------- 11 12 ------^------------------------------ 12 13 -- ----^^----------------^^^- ------^ 13 14 - ----^-----------^---^^^^- -------- 14 15 DM -------------^^^----^^--- -------- 15 16 DP -------------^^^^- ----- - ------- 16 17 U-------------^^^^- -- - ---^----- 17 18 DE--------^^---^^^^--- - -----^----- 18 19 DP--------^^--^^^-^---- ----^^---- 19 20 E-------^^^--^-------- -----^---- 20 21 MP--------^^-^^-------- ------- 21 22 DE--------^^--^-- ---- --- --- 22 23 DP--------^^---- ----- -- -- ----- 23 24 ME--------^^----- --^^---------- ----- 24 25 MPPPPPPAPE^PM---- ---^^-^^^--- ---- 25 26 D^EEMEEE^MPEE^-- -----^-^--- --- 26 27 D^^MEPPP^P^PP--- -----^-- - --- 27 28 DAPAPAEEE^^^C^PEM ---^- - --- 28 29 EEMEEMMP^^EE^^PEPM ---- - - 29 30 P+PPPPMEEAPPAEPE ----- - 30 31 D EMEEPEAMMPEEMPEA -- -- - 31 32 DDDDDDDDDDDDDM^DMM -- -- ( 32 11111111112222222222333333333 12345678901234567890123456789012345678 [OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22 : 20/37]: spr Spread civilians in region (LowX,LowY,HighX,HighY)? 1,10,4,17 Take civilians from sector (X,Y)? n *** Expected two numeric values separated by a comma *** Take civilians from sector (X,Y)? n *** Expected two numeric values separated by a comma *** Take civilians from sector (X,Y)? 2,17 Spread across mountains (Y/N)? n Spread in owned sectors also (Y/N)? n The spread would be across 4 sectors Number of civilians per sector (Max=492)? // Spread in owned sectors also (Y/N)? // Spread across mountains (Y/N)? // Take civilians from sector (X,Y)? // Spread civilians in region (LowX,LowY,HighX,HighY)? 1,10,5,17 Take civilians from sector (X,Y)? 2,17 Spread across mountains (Y/N)? n Spread in owned sectors also (Y/N)? n The spread would be across 24 sectors *** 23 time units are needed, you only have 20 *** [OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22 : 20/37]: spr Spread civilians in region (LowX,LowY,HighX,HighY)? 1,12,5,17 Take civilians from sector (X,Y)? 2,17 Spread across mountains (Y/N)? n Spread in owned sectors also (Y/N)? n The spread would be across 16 sectors Number of civilians per sector (Max=123)? 15 Place extra 1730 civilians in sector (X,Y)? 3,12 The spread used 15 time units. [OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22 : 5/52]: v 11111111112222222222333333333 12345678901234567890123456789012345678 1 ------------ -^------ ---- ---- 1 2 --------------^----- ---- -- --- 2 3 -^------^-----^---- ----- -- ---- 3 4 -^^^^^^^^^-------- - --- -- -- 4 5 ------^^^^^--^--- --- -- -- -- 5 6 -^^^^^^^^^---^------ -- -- -- 6 7 --^^^^^^------^^---- --- -- --- 7 8 --^^^^^-------^^--- ---- --- ---- 8 9 ---^^^^^-------^--- ----- ---- ---- 9 10 ----^^^^-------^-- -------- - -------- 10 11 - ---^^^-------^---------------------- 11 12 RURR--^------------------------------ 12 13 RR RR--^^----------------^^^- ------^ 13 14 - R---^-----------^---^^^^- -------- 14 15 DM R------------^^^----^^--- -------- 15 16 DP RR-----------^^^^- ----- - ------- 16 17 URRR----------^^^^- -- - ---^----- 17 18 DE--------^^---^^^^--- - -----^----- 18 19 DP--------^^--^^^-^---- ----^^---- 19 20 E-------^^^--^-------- -----^---- 20 21 MP--------^^-^^-------- ------- 21 22 DE--------^^--^-- ---- --- --- 22 23 DP--------^^---- ----- -- -- ----- 23 24 ME--------^^----- --^^---------- ----- 24 25 MPPPPPPAPE^PM---- ---^^-^^^--- ---- 25 26 D^EEMEEE^MPEE^-- -----^-^--- --- 26 27 D^^MEPPP^P^PP--- -----^-- - --- 27 28 DAPAPAEEE^^^C^PEM ---^- - --- 28 29 EEMEEMMP^^EE^^PEPM ---- - - 29 30 P+PPPPMEEAPPAEPE ----- - 30 31 D EMEEPEAMMPEEMPEA -- -- - 31 32 DDDDDDDDDDDDDM^DMM -- -- ( 32 11111111112222222222333333333 12345678901234567890123456789012345678 [OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22 : 5/52]: spr Spread civilians in region (LowX,LowY,HighX,HighY)? 1,10,3,11 Take civilians from sector (X,Y)? 3,12 Spread across mountains (Y/N)? n Spread in owned sectors also (Y/N)? n The spread would be across 6 sectors Number of civilians per sector (Max=290)? 15 Place extra 1655 civilians in sector (X,Y)? 2,10 The spread used 5 time units. [OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22 : 0/57]: v 11111111112222222222333333333 12345678901234567890123456789012345678 1 ------------ -^------ ---- ---- 1 2 --------------^----- ---- -- --- 2 3 -^------^-----^---- ----- -- ---- 3 4 -^^^^^^^^^-------- - --- -- -- 4 5 ------^^^^^--^--- --- -- -- -- 5 6 -^^^^^^^^^---^------ -- -- -- 6 7 --^^^^^^------^^---- --- -- --- 7 8 --^^^^^-------^^--- ---- --- ---- 8 9 ---^^^^^-------^--- ----- ---- ---- 9 10 RUR-^^^^-------^-- -------- - -------- 10 11 R R--^^^-------^---------------------- 11 12 RURR--^------------------------------ 12 13 RR RR--^^----------------^^^- ------^ 13 14 - R---^-----------^---^^^^- -------- 14 15 DM R------------^^^----^^--- -------- 15 16 DP RR-----------^^^^- ----- - ------- 16 17 URRR----------^^^^- -- - ---^----- 17 18 DE--------^^---^^^^--- - -----^----- 18 19 DP--------^^--^^^-^---- ----^^---- 19 20 E-------^^^--^-------- -----^---- 20 21 MP--------^^-^^-------- ------- 21 22 DE--------^^--^-- ---- --- --- 22 23 DP--------^^---- ----- -- -- ----- 23 24 ME--------^^----- --^^---------- ----- 24 25 MPPPPPPAPE^PM---- ---^^-^^^--- ---- 25 26 D^EEMEEE^MPEE^-- -----^-^--- --- 26 27 D^^MEPPP^P^PP--- -----^-- - --- 27 28 DAPAPAEEE^^^C^PEM ---^- - --- 28 29 EEMEEMMP^^EE^^PEPM ---- - - 29 30 P+PPPPMEEAPPAEPE ----- - 30 31 D EMEEPEAMMPEEMPEA -- -- - 31 32 DDDDDDDDDDDDDM^DMM -- -- ( 32 11111111112222222222333333333 12345678901234567890123456789012345678 [OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22 : 0/57]: st (d=u New designation? r Number of sectors to change (max= 2)? 2 2 sectors changed [OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22 : 0/57]: v 11111111112222222222333333333 12345678901234567890123456789012345678 1 ------------ -^------ ---- ---- 1 2 --------------^----- ---- -- --- 2 3 -^------^-----^---- ----- -- ---- 3 4 -^^^^^^^^^-------- - --- -- -- 4 5 ------^^^^^--^--- --- -- -- -- 5 6 -^^^^^^^^^---^------ -- -- -- 6 7 --^^^^^^------^^---- --- -- --- 7 8 --^^^^^-------^^--- ---- --- ---- 8 9 ---^^^^^-------^--- ----- ---- ---- 9 10 RUR-^^^^-------^-- -------- - -------- 10 11 R R--^^^-------^---------------------- 11 12 RRRR--^------------------------------ 12 13 RR RR--^^----------------^^^- ------^ 13 14 - R---^-----------^---^^^^- -------- 14 15 DM R------------^^^----^^--- -------- 15 16 DP RR-----------^^^^- ----- - ------- 16 17 RRRR----------^^^^- -- - ---^----- 17 18 DE--------^^---^^^^--- - -----^----- 18 19 DP--------^^--^^^-^---- ----^^---- 19 20 E-------^^^--^-------- -----^---- 20 21 MP--------^^-^^-------- ------- 21 22 DE--------^^--^-- ---- --- --- 22 23 DP--------^^---- ----- -- -- ----- 23 24 ME--------^^----- --^^---------- ----- 24 25 MPPPPPPAPE^PM---- ---^^-^^^--- ---- 25 26 D^EEMEEE^MPEE^-- -----^-^--- --- 26 27 D^^MEPPP^P^PP--- -----^-- - --- 27 28 DAPAPAEEE^^^C^PEM ---^- - --- 28 29 EEMEEMMP^^EE^^PEPM ---- - - 29 30 P+PPPPMEEAPPAEPE ----- - 30 31 D EMEEPEAMMPEEMPEA -- -- - 31 32 DDDDDDDDDDDDDM^DMM -- -- ( 32 11111111112222222222333333333 12345678901234567890123456789012345678 [OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22 : 0/57]: st (S>9 New designation? m Number of sectors to change (max= 5)? 5 5 sectors changed [OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22 : 0/57]: t m Sector Des Civ Mil Art Explv Ore Eff Prod Smpl Auth Ftr Bmr 1,11 M 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 38% 1,13 M 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 84% 1,21 M 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 88% 1,24 M 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 95% 1,25 M 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 27% 2,13 M 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 65% 2,15 M 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 16% 4,16 M 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 81% 4,27 M 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 55% 4,29 M 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 21% 4,31 M 100 0 0 0 0 99 0 90% 5,14 M 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 39% 5,26 M 100 0 0 0 0 99 0 92% 7,29 M 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 74% 8,29 M 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 57% 9,30 M 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 44% 10,26 M 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 17% 10,31 M 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 53% 11,31 M 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 23% 13,25 M 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 76% 14,32 M 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 31% 15,31 M 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 43% 17,28 M 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 34% 17,32 M 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 62% 18,32 M 100 0 0 0 0 99 0 88% 19,29 M 35 0 0 0 0 99 0 75% [OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22 : 0/57]: ana Sector Analysis OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22[#22] island Date: 540.88 Island size = 1216, Land = 816 67%, Water = 254 21%, Mountains = 146 12% You own 148 sectors 12% of the island. 15 10% Rurals 1 1% Capitol 1 1% Urbans 26 18% Mines, 3 usable 35 24% Explosive plants, 0 usable 8 5% Artillery industries, 0 usable 24 16% Dock/shipyard industries, 7 usable 36 24% Plane industries, 0 usable 1 1% Airports (+) 1 1% Radar installations Total industries = 103, Usable = 7, Active = 0 Ore produced per update time unit: Potential = 146.8, Actual = 27.0 Excess ore per update time unit: Potential = 43.8, Actual = 20.0 [OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22 : 0/57]: st (d=r r=1,1,1 New designation? d Number of sectors to change (max= 1)? 1 1 sectors changed [OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22 : 0/57]: v 11111111112222222222333333333 12345678901234567890123456789012345678 1 ------------ -^------ ---- ---- 1 2 --------------^----- ---- -- --- 2 3 -^------^-----^---- ----- -- ---- 3 4 -^^^^^^^^^-------- - --- -- -- 4 5 ------^^^^^--^--- --- -- -- -- 5 6 -^^^^^^^^^---^------ -- -- -- 6 7 --^^^^^^------^^---- --- -- --- 7 8 --^^^^^-------^^--- ---- --- ---- 8 9 ---^^^^^-------^--- ----- ---- ---- 9 10 DUR-^^^^-------^-- -------- - -------- 10 11 M R--^^^-------^---------------------- 11 12 RRRR--^------------------------------ 12 13 MM RR--^^----------------^^^- ------^ 13 14 - M---^-----------^---^^^^- -------- 14 15 DM R------------^^^----^^--- -------- 15 16 DP MR-----------^^^^- ----- - ------- 16 17 RRRR----------^^^^- -- - ---^----- 17 18 DE--------^^---^^^^--- - -----^----- 18 19 DP--------^^--^^^-^---- ----^^---- 19 20 E-------^^^--^-------- -----^---- 20 21 MP--------^^-^^-------- ------- 21 22 DE--------^^--^-- ---- --- --- 22 23 DP--------^^---- ----- -- -- ----- 23 24 ME--------^^----- --^^---------- ----- 24 25 MPPPPPPAPE^PM---- ---^^-^^^--- ---- 25 26 D^EEMEEE^MPEE^-- -----^-^--- --- 26 27 D^^MEPPP^P^PP--- -----^-- - --- 27 28 DAPAPAEEE^^^C^PEM ---^- - --- 28 29 EEMEEMMP^^EE^^PEPM ---- - - 29 30 P+PPPPMEEAPPAEPE ----- - 30 31 D EMEEPEAMMPEEMPEA -- -- - 31 32 DDDDDDDDDDDDDM^DMM -- -- ( 32 11111111112222222222333333333 12345678901234567890123456789012345678 [OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22 : 0/57]: ana Sector Analysis OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22[#22] island Date: 540.88 Island size = 1216, Land = 816 67%, Water = 254 21%, Mountains = 146 12% You own 148 sectors 12% of the island. 14 9% Rurals 1 1% Capitol 1 1% Urbans 26 18% Mines, 3 usable 35 24% Explosive plants, 0 usable 8 5% Artillery industries, 0 usable 25 17% Dock/shipyard industries, 7 usable 36 24% Plane industries, 0 usable 1 1% Airports (+) 1 1% Radar installations Total industries = 104, Usable = 7, Active = 0 Ore produced per update time unit: Potential = 146.8, Actual = 27.0 Excess ore per update time unit: Potential = 42.8, Actual = 20.0 [OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22 : 0/57]: st (d=r New designation? a Number of sectors to change (max= 14)? 1 1 sectors changed [OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22 : 0/57]: st (d=r New designation? e Number of sectors to change (max= 13)? 6 6 sectors changed [OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22 : 0/57]: st (d=r New designation? p Number of sectors to change (max= 7)? 7 7 sectors changed [OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22 : 0/57]: v 11111111112222222222333333333 12345678901234567890123456789012345678 1 ------------ -^------ ---- ---- 1 2 --------------^----- ---- -- --- 2 3 -^------^-----^---- ----- -- ---- 3 4 -^^^^^^^^^-------- - --- -- -- 4 5 ------^^^^^--^--- --- -- -- -- 5 6 -^^^^^^^^^---^------ -- -- -- 6 7 --^^^^^^------^^---- --- -- --- 7 8 --^^^^^-------^^--- ---- --- ---- 8 9 ---^^^^^-------^--- ----- ---- ---- 9 10 DUP-^^^^-------^-- -------- - -------- 10 11 M E--^^^-------^---------------------- 11 12 PPEP--^------------------------------ 12 13 MM PE--^^----------------^^^- ------^ 13 14 - M---^-----------^---^^^^- -------- 14 15 DM P------------^^^----^^--- -------- 15 16 DP ME-----------^^^^- ----- - ------- 16 17 EPEA----------^^^^- -- - ---^----- 17 18 DE--------^^---^^^^--- - -----^----- 18 19 DP--------^^--^^^-^---- ----^^---- 19 20 E-------^^^--^-------- -----^---- 20 21 MP--------^^-^^-------- ------- 21 22 DE--------^^--^-- ---- --- --- 22 23 DP--------^^---- ----- -- -- ----- 23 24 ME--------^^----- --^^---------- ----- 24 25 MPPPPPPAPE^PM---- ---^^-^^^--- ---- 25 26 D^EEMEEE^MPEE^-- -----^-^--- --- 26 27 D^^MEPPP^P^PP--- -----^-- - --- 27 28 DAPAPAEEE^^^C^PEM ---^- - --- 28 29 EEMEEMMP^^EE^^PEPM ---- - - 29 30 P+PPPPMEEAPPAEPE ----- - 30 31 D EMEEPEAMMPEEMPEA -- -- - 31 32 DDDDDDDDDDDDDM^DMM -- -- ( 32 11111111112222222222333333333 12345678901234567890123456789012345678 [OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22 : 0/57]: up 50 Population growth 11858 Ore supply 1349, demand for ore 350. 7 industries operating at 100% of capacity. Excess ore per industry 99, per mine 99, for storage 9. [OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22 : 0/7]: t 1,23 Sector Des Civ Mil Art Explv Ore Eff Prod Smpl Auth Ftr Bmr 1,23 D 269 0 0 0 99 99 50 6% None [OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22 : 0/7]: enl Enlist in sector (X,Y)? 1,23 Number of persons (Maximum=269)? 15 [OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22 : 0/7]: lau Launch from sector (X,Y)? 1,23 Type of ship (or ?)? pt You have launched ship #151 [OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22 : 0/7]: load 151 OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22[#22] island, sector 1,23 Loading what? o Quanity (Max=10)? 10 Loading what? m Quanity (Max=15)? 15 Loading what? 0 [OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22 : 0/7]: sea 151 PT Boat @348,444 [PT Boat #151:0 40.0]: sa PT Boat #151 @348,444 docked on OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22[#22] island, sector 1, 23 To terminate enter // [348,444] Direction? -45 Distance (Max=40)? 1 Undocking [347,443] Direction? // [PT Boat #151:0 38.5]: i 154 Island Index Date: 540.89 Island Name Location Size Flags Naming Nation ------------------------ -------- ---- ----- ----------------------------- 154 [AN UNDISCOVERED] 308,432 13,13 Flags: O = Occupied, V = Visited, R = Released. [PT Boat #151:0 38.5]: course Destination (X,Y)? 321,445 Speed (Default=40)? Destination = 321,445 [AN UNDISCOVERED][#154] @14,14 Distance = 26.1, Direction = 265.6, Speed = 40 Fuel required = 2.6, Supply on ship = 9.9 Starting date = 540.89, ETA = 550.20 Use how much time (Default=38.6)? Leaving inland waters Entering inland waters of [AN UNDISCOVERED][#154] island. PT Boat #151 arrived at destination point. [PT Boat #151:0 12.5]: v Location: 321,445 [AN UNDISCOVERED][#154] sector 14,14 [ 0] Sea Sea 0%R 321 322 0M 444 444 Sea Sea Sea 320 321 322 445 445 445 Sea Sea Sea 320 321 322 446 446 446 [PT Boat #151:0 12.5]: sa PT Boat #151 @321,445 in [AN UNDISCOVERED][#154] coastal waters, sector 14,14 To terminate enter // [321,445] Direction? 270 Distance (Max=12)? 1 [320,445] Direction? 0 Distance (Max=11)? 1 Docked at sector 13,13 [320,444] Direction? // [PT Boat #151:0 10.5]: assa [AN UNDISCOVERED][#154], sector 13,13 [ Unowned ] 0% R, 0 military Expected victory casualties : 0 Number of persons in the assault (Max=15)? 5 You have won, casualties 0, enemy losses 0 You are the first nation to land on ISLAND 154[#154] island. [PT Boat #151:0 10.5]: l154 Date: 540.89 [ISLAND 154 : No Capitol]: v 1111 1234567890123 1 ---------^^-- 1 2 --------^^^-- 2 3 ------------- 3 4 ----- ------- 4 5 ---- -------- 5 6 --- --------- 6 7 ---- ---- 7 8 --- -- --- 8 9 -- --- -- 9 10 -- -- -- 10 11 - - 11 12 - - 12 13 - - D 13 1111 1234567890123 [ISLAND 154 : No Capitol]: des 13,13 13,13 currently a 0% D (6% sample). New designation? c Designation changed. [ISLAND 154 : 0/0]: i n New island name? jefferson 154 [JEFFERSON 154 : 0/0]: sea PT Boat @320,444 [PT Boat #151:0 10.5]: sa PT Boat #151 @320,444 docked on JEFFERSON 154[#154] island, sector 13,13 To terminate enter // [320,444] Direction? u Undocking [320,445] Direction? // [PT Boat #151:0 9.5]: i 2 Island Index Date: 540.91 Island Name Location Size Flags Naming Nation ------------------------ -------- ---- ----- ----------------------------- 2 ISLAND 2 270,409 33,38 ARMAGEDDON[3] Flags: O = Occupied, V = Visited, R = Released. [PT Boat #151:0 9.5]: course Destination (X,Y)? 303,445 Speed (Default=40)? Destination = 303,445 ISLAND 2[#2] @34,37 Distance = 17.0, Direction = 270.0, Speed = 40 Fuel required = 1.7, Supply on ship = 7.0 Starting date = 540.91, ETA = 546.98 Use how much time (Default=9.6)? Destination = 303,445 ISLAND 2[#2] @34,37 Distance = 7.0, Direction = 270.0, Speed = 40 Fuel required = 0.7, Supply on ship = 6.0 Starting date = 540.91, ETA = 543.41 Set course (Default=YES)? Course set. [PT Boat #151:0 -0.4]: radar PARK RANGERS[7] Radar Report Date : 540.91 Island Name Location Size Dist Direc ------------------------------ -------- ---- ---- ----- 2 ISLAND 2[#2] 270,409 33,38 8.0 270.0 4 JEFFERSON 154[#154] 308,432 13,13 1.0 0.0 Nation Name Ship Type Location Dist Direc Disp ------------------------------ ---------------- -------- ----- ----- ------- A ARMAGEDDON[3] Liner #56 306,471 26.3 188.7 Moving B ARMAGEDDON[3] PT Boat #126 290,446 20.0 267.1 Docked + PARK RANGERS[7] PT Boat #151 310,445 0.0 0.0 Moving 2222 2222222 ! 22222222 2222222222 2222222222 ! 222222222 44444444 2222222222 44444444 2222222222 44444444 2222222222 44444444 - 2222B222222 4+444 44 - - ! ! ! A [PT Boat #151:0 -0.4]: mai r [532.52] Liner #19:97 arrived at LITTLE BIGHORN 161[#161] sector 10,1 [532.52] Submarine #53:97 arrived at 327,273 [539.66] Submarine #11:96 arrived at ISLAND 65[#65] sector 4,0 [539.66] Submarine #86:94 arrived at [AN UNDISCOVERED][#107] sector 36,0 [PT Boat #151:0 -0.3]: sea 86 Ship is moving...Submarine @485,748 [Submarine #86:94 0.8]: v Location: 485,748 KATMAI 107[#107] sector 36,0 Sea Sea Sea 484 485 486 747 747 747 Sea Sea Sea 484 485 486 748 748 748 [ 7] Water Water 0%C 36, 1 37, 1 4M [Submarine #86:94 0.8]: sh sub PARK RANGERS[7] Ship Report Date: 540.95 Num:Fl Style Position Civ Mil Art Expl Ftr Fuel % Time Destination -------- ------------ ------- ---- ---- --- ---- --- ----- -- ---- ------------ 11: 96 Submarine 164,522 0 17 2 20 0 33.1 99 0.6 169,522 #65 24: 98 Submarine 489,329 0 47 2 20 0 57.7 99 2.1 491,323 #149 28: 92 Submarine 645,496 0 50 2 20 0 57.6 99 2.5 666,486 #84 53: 97 Submarine 313,263 0 37 2 20 0 40.7 99 0.2 311,253 #99 86: 94 Submarine 485,748 0 43 2 20 0 48.8 99 0.8 490,748 #107 97: 98 Submarine 496,400* 0 50 2 20 0 71.4 99 4.7 514,356 #121 98: 91 Submarine 539,424 0 50 2 20 0 70.6 99 1.6 568,415 #47 99: 91 Submarine 504,405* 0 50 2 20 0 71.4 99 4.3 545,356 #121 139: 93 Submarine 549,536 0 50 2 20 0 62.7 99 2.3 536,599 #36 [Submarine #86:94 0.8]: sh lin PARK RANGERS[7] Ship Report Date: 540.95 Num:Fl Style Position Civ Mil Art Expl Ftr Fuel % Time Destination -------- ------------ ------- ---- ---- --- ---- --- ----- -- ---- ------------ 19: 97 Liner 343,346 4614 92 0 0 0 76.3 99 0.3 301,300 #94 20: 96 Liner 292,494 1167 66 0 0 0 73.9 99 1.0 272,495 #63 21: 95 Liner 353,675 6003 94 0 0 0 82.6 99 1.5 300,700 50: 91 Liner 642,346 1506 97 0 0 0 78.6 99 1.7 645,345 #204 51: 94 Liner 492,548 9999 99 0 0 0 91.4 99 1.4 505,572 #55 120: 92 Liner 562,451 6000 99 0 0 0 91.6 99 1.6 588,450 #42 138: 98 Liner 481,380 5697 99 0 0 0 91.7 99 1.8 484,354 #119 [Submarine #86:94 0.8]: sh fle 91 PARK RANGERS[7] Ship Report Date: 540.95 Num:Fl Style Position Civ Mil Art Expl Ftr Fuel % Time Destination -------- ------------ ------- ---- ---- --- ---- --- ----- -- ---- ------------ 50: 91 Liner 642,346 1506 97 0 0 0 78.6 99 1.7 645,345 #204 98: 91 Submarine 539,424 0 50 2 20 0 70.6 99 1.6 568,415 #47 99: 91 Submarine 504,405* 0 50 2 20 0 71.4 99 4.3 545,356 #121 [Submarine #86:94 0.8]: i 149 Island Index Date: 540.95 Island Name Location Size Flags Naming Nation ------------------------ -------- ---- ----- ----------------------------- 149 SEMINOLE 492,301 26,22 BLACK CO[9] Flags: O = Occupied, V = Visited, R = Released. [Submarine #86:94 0.8]: sh fle 98 PARK RANGERS[7] Ship Report Date: 540.95 Num:Fl Style Position Civ Mil Art Expl Ftr Fuel % Time Destination -------- ------------ ------- ---- ---- --- ---- --- ----- -- ---- ------------ 24: 98 Submarine 489,329 0 47 2 20 0 57.7 99 2.1 491,323 #149 97: 98 Submarine 496,400* 0 50 2 20 0 71.4 99 4.7 514,356 #121 138: 98 Liner 481,380 5697 99 0 0 0 91.7 99 1.8 484,354 #119 [Submarine #86:94 0.8]: sh pt PARK RANGERS[7] Ship Report Date: 540.97 Num:Fl Style Position Civ Mil Art Expl Ftr Fuel % Time Destination -------- ------------ ------- ---- ---- --- ---- --- ----- -- ---- ------------ 103:190 PT Boat 603,613 0 0 0 0 0 0.7 99 1.0 Docked #90 151: 0 PT Boat 310,445 0 10 0 0 0 6.0 99 -0.3 303,445 #2 [Submarine #86:94 0.8]: l90 Date: 540.97 [GETTYSBURG 90 : 68/29]: t Sector Des Civ Mil Art Explv Ore Eff Prod Smpl Auth Ftr Bmr 1,24 C 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 6% 11, 1 D 0 2 0 9 2 0 0 5% None 27, 3 R 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 9% 28, 3 U 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 9% 28, 4 ^ 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 5% [GETTYSBURG 90 : 68/29]: l90 Date: 540.97 [GETTYSBURG 90 : 68/29]: v 1111111111222222222 1234567890123456789012345678 1 ---^--- --D- --- -- ---^---- 1 2 ---^^-- --- --- - - ------ 2 3 --^^-- ------- ------- ---RU 3 4 --^^- ------- -----------^^" 4 5 ------ --------- ---^^ 5 6 --^^-- ----^---- ---^^ 6 7 ^^^-- ----^^--- ----^ 7 8 ^^^^---^^^^^-- ----- 8 9 --^^---^^^^--- - ---- 9 10 --^-----^^---- - -------- 10 11 ------------- - --- - -^--- 11 12 ---------- ----- ^^---- 12 13 ---------------------------- 13 14 -----^------ --------------- 14 15 ---^^^----------------- --- 15 16 ----^^^^---------------- - 16 17 ---^^^^^^^---^----------- 17 18 -- -^^^^^^^^^^----------- - 18 19 ---^^^^^^^^^^^^--------- --- 19 20 --^^^^--^^^^-^^^------------ 20 21 ---^^---^^^---^-^^---------- 21 22 ---^^ -----------^^^^^------ 22 23 ---^^ ---- ----------------- 23 24 C--^^- -- ------------------ 24 1111111111222222222 1234567890123456789012345678 [GETTYSBURG 90 : 68/29]: sea 103 PT Boat @603,613 [PT Boat #103:190 0.9]: scrap PT Boat #103 has been scrapped for 25 production. [No Ship]: sh fle 92 PARK RANGERS[7] Ship Report Date: 540.98 Num:Fl Style Position Civ Mil Art Expl Ftr Fuel % Time Destination -------- ------------ ------- ---- ---- --- ---- --- ----- -- ---- ------------ 28: 92 Submarine 645,496 0 50 2 20 0 57.6 99 2.5 666,486 #84 120: 92 Liner 562,451 6000 99 0 0 0 91.6 99 1.6 588,450 #42 [No Ship]: nav Navies of the World Date: 540.98 Rank Ships Power Nation's Name ---- ----- -------- ----------------------------- 1. 35 19815 MOUNTAINIA[2] 2. 27 17715 TYLAND[4] 3. 19 13582 PARK RANGERS[7] 4. 17 7999 BLACK CO[9] 5. 15 6544 ARMAGEDDON[3] 6. 5 3419 SABASTIAN[19] 7. 5 3058 SYSOP[1] 8. 5 2749 TYRIAN[12] 9. 4 2614 ELBONIA[17] 10. 4 2355 THINK[8] 11. 3 2030 IBIN[25] 12. 3 1932 BORG[16] 13. 2 218 TUR-CAI[31] 14. 2 214 KRYNN[30] 15. 1 184 BLISSTONIA[20] 16. 1 102 CTX[15] [No Ship]: sh PARK RANGERS[7] Ship Report Date: 541.03 Num:Fl Style Position Civ Mil Art Expl Ftr Fuel % Time Destination -------- ------------ ------- ---- ---- --- ---- --- ----- -- ---- ------------ 11: 96 Submarine 164,522 0 17 2 20 0 33.1 99 0.8 169,522 #65 19: 97 Liner 343,346 4614 92 0 0 0 76.3 99 0.4 301,300 #94 20: 96 Liner 292,494 1167 66 0 0 0 73.9 99 1.1 272,495 #63 21: 95 Liner 353,675 6003 94 0 0 0 82.6 99 1.6 300,700 24: 98 Submarine 489,329 0 47 2 20 0 57.7 99 2.2 491,323 #149 28: 92 Submarine 645,496 0 50 2 20 0 57.6 99 2.6 666,486 #84 29: 95 Destroyer 404,619 0 250 2 200 0 17.5 99 2.5 388,631 #151 50: 91 Liner 642,346 1506 97 0 0 0 78.6 99 1.7 645,345 #204 51: 94 Liner 492,548 9999 99 0 0 0 91.4 99 1.5 505,572 #55 52: 0 Ferry 487,429 105 1 0 0 0 6.9 99 23.4 Docked #231 53: 97 Submarine 313,263 0 37 2 20 0 40.7 99 0.4 311,253 #99 86: 94 Submarine 485,748 0 43 2 20 0 48.8 99 1.0 490,748 #107 97: 98 Submarine 496,400* 0 50 2 20 0 71.4 99 4.8 514,356 #121 98: 91 Submarine 539,424 0 50 2 20 0 70.6 99 1.7 568,415 #47 99: 91 Submarine 504,405* 0 50 2 20 0 71.4 99 4.4 545,356 #121 120: 92 Liner 562,451 6000 99 0 0 0 91.6 99 1.7 588,450 #42 138: 98 Liner 481,380 5697 99 0 0 0 91.7 99 1.9 484,354 #119 139: 93 Submarine 549,536 0 50 2 20 0 62.7 99 2.4 536,599 #36 151: 0 PT Boat 310,445 0 10 0 0 0 6.0 99 -0.1 303,445 #2 [No Ship]: sea 52 Ferry @487,429 [Ferry #52:0 23.4]: v m Location: 487,429 SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231[#231] sector 15,1 DD . P EEP PMPPPP P+PE PPPM PPAPP P P PP"PPP M P EM""MPPPMEP [Ferry #52:0 23.4]: l231 Date: 541.03 [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 14/0]: v 111111111122222 123456789012345678901234 1 PP MP DD M P DMMD 1 2 P EEP PMPPPP EE+M 2 3 P+PE PPPM EMED 3 4 PPAPP P P EAED 4 5 EPP"PPP M PMEMD 5 6 M P EM""MPPPMEPMEEM 6 7 DMP PPEMPPMPPMPPPPECEAD 7 8 DPPPPEPPPPPPPEEP EPPEMD 8 9 EPM PPPEEEPPE PMPMAD 9 111111111122222 123456789012345678901234 [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 14/0]: sea Ferry @487,429 [Ferry #52:0 23.4]: v Location: 487,429 SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231[#231] sector 15,1 Sea Sea Sea 486 487 488 428 428 428 Water [ 7] Water 14, 1 99%M 16, 1 1M [ 7] [ 7] [ 7] 99%P 99%M 99%P 0M 0M 0M [Ferry #52:0 23.4]: sa Ferry #52 @487,429 docked on SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231[#231] island, sector 15,1 To terminate enter // [487,429] Direction? u Undocking [486,429] Direction? v Location: 486,429 SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231[#231] sector 14,1 Sea Sea Sea 485 486 487 428 428 428 Water Water [ 7] 13, 1 14, 1 99%M 1M Water [ 7] [ 7] 13, 2 99%P 99%M 0M 0M [486,429] Direction? ll *** Expected heading, EXIT, MINE, SWEEP, UNDOCK, VIEW or // *** [486,429] Direction? // [Ferry #52:0 22.4]: l231 Date: 541.03 [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 14/0]: t d Sector Des Civ Mil Art Explv Ore Eff Prod Smpl Auth Ftr Bmr 1, 7 D 500 499 0 251 45 99 125 0% None 1, 8 D 820 999 5 277 46 99 200 0% None 11, 1 D 820 948 3 230 0 99 0 8% None 12, 1 D 820 948 3 280 0 99 0 6% None 21, 1 D 780 0 0 300 45 99 101 7% None 24, 1 D 780 0 0 251 45 99 101 5% None 24, 3 D 780 0 0 251 45 99 101 9% None 24, 4 D 780 0 0 251 45 99 101 0% None 24, 5 D 780 0 0 251 45 99 101 0% None 24, 7 D 780 0 0 277 46 99 101 0% None 24, 8 D 838 999 0 277 46 99 101 9% None 24, 9 D 823 949 3 257 0 99 0 3% None [SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 : 14/0]: sea Ferry @486,429 [Ferry #52:0 22.4]: v Location: 486,429 SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231[#231] sector 14,1 Sea Sea Sea 485 486 487 428 428 428 Water Water [ 7] 13, 1 14, 1 99%M 1M Water [ 7] [ 7] 13, 2 99%P 99%M 0M 0M [Ferry #52:0 22.4]: sa Ferry #52 @486,429 in SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231[#231] interior waters, sector 14, 1 To terminate enter // [486,429] Direction? -45 Distance (Max=22)? 1 [485,428] Direction? 270 Distance (Max=21)? 2 [483,428] Direction? v Location: 483,428 SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231[#231] sector 11,0 Sea Sea Sea 482 483 484 427 427 427 Sea Sea Sea 482 483 484 428 428 428 Water [ 7] [ 7] 10, 1 99%D 99%D 948M 948M [483,428] Direction? 180 Distance (Max=19)? 1 Docked at sector 11,1 [483,429] Direction? // [Ferry #52:0 18.0]: unl SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231[#231] island, sector 11,1 Unloading what? o Quanity (Max=6)? 6 Unloading what? m Quanity (Max=1)? 1 Unloading what? c Quanity (Max=105)? 105 Unloading what? 0 [Ferry #52:0 18.0]: scrap Ferry #52 has been scrapped for 37 production. [No Ship]: sh PARK RANGERS[7] Ship Report Date: 541.03 Num:Fl Style Position Civ Mil Art Expl Ftr Fuel % Time Destination -------- ------------ ------- ---- ---- --- ---- --- ----- -- ---- ------------ 11: 96 Submarine 164,522 0 17 2 20 0 33.1 99 0.8 169,522 #65 19: 97 Liner 343,346 4614 92 0 0 0 76.3 99 0.4 301,300 #94 20: 96 Liner 292,494 1167 66 0 0 0 73.9 99 1.1 272,495 #63 21: 95 Liner 353,675 6003 94 0 0 0 82.6 99 1.6 300,700 24: 98 Submarine 489,329 0 47 2 20 0 57.7 99 2.2 491,323 #149 28: 92 Submarine 645,496 0 50 2 20 0 57.6 99 2.6 666,486 #84 29: 95 Destroyer 404,619 0 250 2 200 0 17.5 99 2.5 388,631 #151 50: 91 Liner 642,346 1506 97 0 0 0 78.6 99 1.7 645,345 #204 51: 94 Liner 492,548 9999 99 0 0 0 91.4 99 1.5 505,572 #55 53: 97 Submarine 313,263 0 37 2 20 0 40.7 99 0.4 311,253 #99 86: 94 Submarine 485,748 0 43 2 20 0 48.8 99 1.0 490,748 #107 97: 98 Submarine 496,400* 0 50 2 20 0 71.4 99 4.8 514,356 #121 98: 91 Submarine 539,424 0 50 2 20 0 70.6 99 1.7 568,415 #47 99: 91 Submarine 504,405* 0 50 2 20 0 71.4 99 4.4 545,356 #121 120: 92 Liner 562,451 6000 99 0 0 0 91.6 99 1.7 588,450 #42 138: 98 Liner 481,380 5697 99 0 0 0 91.7 99 1.9 484,354 #119 139: 93 Submarine 549,536 0 50 2 20 0 62.7 99 2.4 536,599 #36 151: 0 PT Boat 310,445 0 10 0 0 0 6.0 99 -0.1 303,445 #2 [No Ship]: ]assi 151 to 96 *** Unknown command, for a list enter COMMANDS *** [No Ship]: assi 151 to 96 PT Boat #151 assigned to fleet 96 [No Ship]: em PARK RANGERS[7] Empire Report Date: 541.03 Num. Sect Civil Mil Land Power Time Island Name ---- ---- ------- ------- ---- ------- ------ ------------------------ 1. 29 2388 4 713 239 72/ 26 GLACIER 1 3. 35 1998 4 724 200 23/ 35 ISLE ROYALE 3 10. 2 0 8 833 4 98/ 0 ROCKY MOUNTAIN 10 16. 1 0 3 942 0 13/ 0 ZION 16 22. 148 18873 4 668 16900 0/ 7 OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK 22 30. 246 13146 56 181 11123 28/186 YELLOWSTONE 30 36. 112 14131 4 279 12902 15/ 13 MOUNT RAINIER 36 47. 100 14118 24 348 11914 13/ 0 NORTH CASCADES 47 55. 210 17894 68 459 11736 43/146 YOSEMITE 55 56. 59 1998 2 317 200 40/ 58 SAGUARO 56 58. 58 1998 4 434 200 40/ 58 SAN JUAN 58 63. 1 0 5 251 1 28/ 0 ISLAND 63 65. 1 0 5 344 1 0/ 0 ISLAND 65 83. 1 0 7 400 1 98/ 0 FIRE 83 88. 41 1998 8 523 201 18/ 40 MAMMOTH CAVE 88 90. 5 0 19 461 22 68/ 29 GETTYSBURG 90 94. 1 0 3 431 0 13/ 0 ARCHES 94 103. 299 164979 112265 105 87563 61/ 2 PARK HEADQUARTERS 103 106. 152 5864 36 100 12472 28/ 72 BIG BEND 106 107. 1 0 4 425 0 0/ 0 KATMAI 107 110. 2 0 5 442 1 28/ 0 SAINT CROIX 110 119. 1 0 3 344 0 12/ 0 APPALACHIAN 119 133. 5 0 5 462 1 24/ 4 MOST 135. 46 1498 3 488 150 39/ 48 VOYAGEURS 135 142. 119 26001 88 234 10106 28/121 TRAIL OF TEARS 142 151. 21 2198 6 287 220 48/ 23 STATUE OF LIBERTY 151 154. 1 0 5 105 1 0/ 0 JEFFERSON 154 155. 12 0 14 1 1 99/ 13 ISLAND 155 157. 5 0 5 110 1 94/ 4 POODLE 157 161. 2 999 4 79 100 71/ 0 LITTLE BIGHORN 161 183. 5 0 5 31 1 99/ 37 BLISSVILLE 198. 123 57018 24403 1 35878 96/ 3 THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198 204. 1 0 3 140 0 43/ 0 SCOTT'S BLUFF 204 212. 3 0 3 0 0 99/ 24 HOVENWEEP 212 219. 1 0 3 23 0 12/ 0 ARLINGTON HOUSE 219 224. 153 95110 85595 7 43568 62/ 21 ALCATRAZ 224 231. 141 114333 100674 0 70046 14/ 0 SAN ANTONIO MISSIONS 231 232. 33 31968 26371 0 11238 81/ 1 PETROGLYPH MONUMENT 232 253. 1 0 10 241 1 57/ 0 SHILOH 253 --------- ------- ------- -------- 39 2177 588510 349738 336992 ------- ------- --------- Navy 34986 1300 13415 --------- ------- ------- --------- Total 623496 351038 350407 [No Ship]: l198 Date: 541.05 [THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198 : 96/3]: v 1 1234567890 1 PE""EEDM 1 2 PP""EE+D 2 3 PP""""MME 3 4 P""""CMEA 4 5 PEPMPMPPD 5 6 DPPPMEP PP 6 7 PEP PPMM P 7 8 PPP PPP P 8 9 PPPE PPPP 9 10 MPMPP PEPM 10 11 PMEPP EP 11 12 PP PM E 12 13 EEPA PE A 13 14 PPPE P D 14 15 MMEPM 15 16 P+PE 16 17 PMP - 17 18 DD 18 1 1234567890 [THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198 : 96/3]: t d Sector Des Civ Mil Art Explv Ore Eff Prod Smpl Auth Ftr Bmr 1, 6 D 507 218 0 0 17 99 100 9% None 3,18 D 532 228 0 0 18 99 100 3% None 4,18 D 532 228 0 0 16 99 100 6% None 9, 1 D 152 65 0 0 17 99 1 8% None 10, 2 D 152 65 0 0 17 99 1 8% None 10, 5 D 532 228 0 0 17 99 100 5% None 10,14 D 532 198 0 91 0 99 0 9% None [THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198 : 96/3]: lau Launch from sector (X,Y)? 4,18 Type of ship (or ?)? fer You have launched ship #52 [THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198 : 96/3]: load 52 THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198[#198] island, sector 4,18 Loading what? o Quanity (Max=16)? 16 Loading what? m Quanity (Max=228)? 100 Loading what? c Quanity (Max=532)? 200 Loading what? 0 [THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198 : 96/3]: sea 52 Ferry @562,553 [Ferry #52:0 24.0]: sa Ferry #52 @562,553 docked on THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198[#198] island, sector 4,18 To terminate enter // [562,553] Direction? 90 Distance (Max=24)? 2 Undocking [564,553] Direction? 45 Distance (Max=22)? 1 Docked at sector 7,17 [565,552] Direction? // [Ferry #52:0 20.5]: assa THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198[#198], sector 7,17 [ Unowned ] 0% R, 0 military Expected victory casualties : 0 Number of persons in the assault (Max=100)? 50 You have won, casualties 0, enemy losses 0 [Ferry #52:0 20.5]: unl THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198[#198] island, sector 7,17 Unloading what? c Quanity (Max=200)? 200 Unloading what? 0 [Ferry #52:0 20.5]: sa Ferry #52 @565,552 docked on THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198[#198] island, sector 7,17 To terminate enter // [565,552] Direction? u Undocking [564,553] Direction? 270 Distance (Max=19)? 3 Docked at sector 4,18 [562,553] Direction? // [Ferry #52:0 17.1]: unl THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198[#198] island, sector 4,18 Unloading what? m Quanity (Max=50)? 50 Unloading what? o Quanity (Max=15)? 15 Unloading what? 0 [Ferry #52:0 17.1]: scrap Ferry #52 has been scrapped for 37 production. [No Ship]: l Date: 541.05 [THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198 : 96/3]: v 1 1234567890 1 PE""EEDM 1 2 PP""EE+D 2 3 PP""""MME 3 4 P""""CMEA 4 5 PEPMPMPPD 5 6 DPPPMEP PP 6 7 PEP PPMM P 7 8 PPP PPP P 8 9 PPPE PPPP 9 10 MPMPP PEPM 10 11 PMEPP EP 11 12 PP PM E 12 13 EEPA PE A 13 14 PPPE P D 14 15 MMEPM 15 16 P+PE 16 17 PMP D 17 18 DD 18 1 1234567890 [THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198 : 96/3]: des 7,17 7,17 currently a 0% D (4% sample). New designation? p Designation changed. [THEODORE ROOSEVELT 198 : 96/3]: l106 Date: 541.05 [BIG BEND 106 : 28/72]: v 11111111112222222222333 12345678901234567890123456789012 1 ^RRRRRRR RR^^DMPP P MP PPP MDM 1 2 -URRRRRR RR""CPPMP MM PP APPMPD 2 3 ---^^^RRRR^^^^+EPPEP PPMMPPPMEP 3 4 ---^^^^^RRR^^^- PPMP EPPEPE+PP 4 5 ---^^^^^^RR^^ -- PM MPPPMMMPP 5 6 ---^^^^RRR^--- - EP P PMPPPE 6 7 - ---^-^RR^^---- PEM P E EPM 7 8 ----------^---^----- PPEEP PPPM 8 9 ---- -----^---^^---- PMPPPP PEA 9 10 ---- -----^--^^^^-- MMPPPPP^ 10 11 - --- ------ ^-^^^ PEMP^"^ 11 12 ---- ------ -^-^3- D^^^"D 12 11111111112222222222333 12345678901234567890123456789012 [BIG BEND 106 : 28/72]: t u Sector Des Civ Mil Art Explv Ore Eff Prod Smpl Auth Ftr Bmr 2, 2 U 1315 0 0 0 0 0 0 4% [BIG BEND 106 : 28/72]: spr Spread civilians in region (LowX,LowY,HighX,HighY)? 1,1,6,7 Take civilians from sector (X,Y)? 2,2 Spread across mountains (Y/N)? n Spread in owned sectors also (Y/N)? n The spread would be across 17 sectors Number of civilians per sector (Max=77)? 15 Place extra 1060 civilians in sector (X,Y)? 3,7 The spread used 16 time units. [BIG BEND 106 : 12/88]: v 11111111112222222222333 12345678901234567890123456789012 1 ^RRRRRRR RR^^DMPP P MP PPP MDM 1 2 RURRRRRR RR""CPPMP MM PP APPMPD 2 3 RRR^^^RRRR^^^^+EPPEP PPMMPPPMEP 3 4 RRR^^^^^RRR^^^- PPMP EPPEPE+PP 4 5 RRR^^^^^^RR^^ -- PM MPPPMMMPP 5 6 RRR^^^^RRR^--- - EP P PMPPPE 6 7 - URR^-^RR^^---- PEM P E EPM 7 8 ----------^---^----- PPEEP PPPM 8 9 ---- -----^---^^---- PMPPPP PEA 9 10 ---- -----^--^^^^-- MMPPPPP^ 10 11 - --- ------ ^-^^^ PEMP^"^ 11 12 ---- ------ -^-^3- D^^^"D 12 11111111112222222222333 12345678901234567890123456789012 [BIG BEND 106 : 12/88]: spr Spread civilians in region (LowX,LowY,HighX,HighY)? 1,1,3,12 Take civilians from sector (X,Y)? 3,7 Spread across mountains (Y/N)? n Spread in owned sectors also (Y/N)? n The spread would be across 15 sectors *** 14 time units are needed, you only have 12 *** [BIG BEND 106 : 12/88]: spr Spread civilians in region (LowX,LowY,HighX,HighY)? 1,1,3,11 Take civilians from sector (X,Y)? 3,7 Spread across mountains (Y/N)? n Spread in owned sectors also (Y/N)? n The spread would be across 13 sectors Number of civilians per sector (Max=82)? 15 Place extra 880 civilians in sector (X,Y)? 3,11 The spread used 12 time units. [BIG BEND 106 : 0/100]: t u Sector Des Civ Mil Art Explv Ore Eff Prod Smpl Auth Ftr Bmr 2, 2 U 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 4% 3, 7 U 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 8% [BIG BEND 106 : 0/100]: st (d=u New designation? r Number of sectors to change (max= 2)? 2 2 sectors changed [BIG BEND 106 : 0/100]: des 3,11 3,11 currently a 0% R (5% sample). New designation? u Designation changed. [BIG BEND 106 : 0/100]: v 11111111112222222222333 12345678901234567890123456789012 1 ^RRRRRRR RR^^DMPP P MP PPP MDM 1 2 RRRRRRRR RR""CPPMP MM PP APPMPD 2 3 RRR^^^RRRR^^^^+EPPEP PPMMPPPMEP 3 4 RRR^^^^^RRR^^^- PPMP EPPEPE+PP 4 5 RRR^^^^^^RR^^ -- PM MPPPMMMPP 5 6 RRR^^^^RRR^--- - EP P PMPPPE 6 7 R RRR^-^RR^^---- PEM P E EPM 7 8 RRR-------^---^----- PPEEP PPPM 8 9 RRR- -----^---^^---- PMPPPP PEA 9 10 RRR- -----^--^^^^-- MMPPPPP^ 10 11 R U-- ------ ^-^^^ PEMP^"^ 11 12 ---- ------ -^-^3- D^^^"D 12 11111111112222222222333 12345678901234567890123456789012 [BIG BEND 106 : 0/100]: news [ Official Empire News ] Date: 536.09 Date: 526.33 thru 535.97 BLACK CO[9] attacked CTX[15] on PAIUTE[#145] island killing 51 people. 8 sectors were captured and 27 civilians were taken prisoner. Materiel valued at 4 power was destroyed or captured in the attack. BLACK CO[9] lost 46 military during the battle. Date: 526.39 thru 526.39 DORIAN[22] bombed TYLAND[4] sinking Liner #4, Submarine #77 and Submarine #7. [BIG BEND 106 : 0/100]: exit CPU=27. Connect=48. MON, SEP 9, 2002, 8:47 AM.